What treat did your chickies get today?

Hey everyone....
has anyone ever fed banana to their chickens????
sorry...random question!!

I do on occasion and they love them but I don't give them the peels and I hate spending the time peeling them so even though I can readily get bananas (pretty much every day) from my grocery store hook up I rarely take them...

And just an FYI, I know it doesn't take long to peel a single banana, but due to my high number of birds, I end up peeling 100s and that takes a significant amount of time, and brings up another pet peeve of mine, that is the little PLU stickers they stick on everything nowadays instead of educating the cashiers... Again, not a big deal to peel or or two stickers off, but the other day I gave my birds about 200lbs of apples, and it was beyond annoying to peel off (I actually knife off) the little stickers... I did a about 100lbs of plums a few months back and don't get me started on peeling the stickers off those (they stick like cray glue) and pitting them, ugh!!
I do on occasion and they love them but I don't give them the peels and I hate spending the time peeling them so even though I can readily get bananas (pretty much every day) from my grocery store hook up I rarely take them...

And just an FYI, I know it doesn't take long to peel a single banana, but due to my high number of birds, I end up peeling 100s and that takes a significant amount of time, and brings up another pet peeve of mine, that is the little PLU stickers they stick on everything nowadays instead of educating the cashiers... Again, not a big deal to peel or or two stickers off, but the other day I gave my birds about 200lbs of apples, and it was beyond annoying to peel off (I actually knife off) the little stickers... I did a about 100lbs of plums a few months back and don't get me started on peeling the stickers off those (they stick like cray glue) and pitting them, ugh!!

I wonder how bad it would be just to leave them on...how toxic could the paper/ink/glue be if they put them on food?
I wonder how bad it would be just to leave them on...how toxic could the paper/ink/glue be if they put them on food?

I can't honestly say as I have not researched it well enough since my birds won't eat the peels anyway, so that creates the bigger problem of slimy, stinky rotting peels all over the coop and deep litter, not something I want to clean up an deal with either...
Strawberries & a week old wheat bread - I got attacked by vulture-like birds
So far some leftover hot dog buns...my dog may have eaten them though, they disappeared very quickly...and watermelon!
So far some leftover hot dog buns...my dog may have eaten them though, they disappeared very quickly...and watermelon!

If it were my chickens they would have eaten the dog too

Mine don't get bread too often, it causes a frenzy.

Today green beans, tomatoes and squash. They are looking at me like """is squash really the only thing you can find"""?!?!?!?
Last year they loved it, this year....not so much.
Mine don't get bread often and I usually only put it in the coop so they get it instead of the dogs, lol

My dogs and chickens coexist really well so far except they eat a lot of the same food!
Pretty hot here today! Mine got some canned corn that was frozen in water. They loved pecking away at the ice and getting their corn reward. They also got some ice cold cooked broccoli. Always seems that the only really good piece is in someone else's beak- even though the bowl is full of more!

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