What treat did your chickies get today?

Mine got cottage cheese and tomatoes (we still have cherry tomatoes that are ripening). Then mid afternoon, it was 89 degrees, so I gave them a quarter of an overripe watermelon that was left in the refrigerator. Not much left of that at bedtime. They absolutely adore watermelon.
Ramen Noodles, Grasshoppers (caught by me) and a mixture of Boss, birdseed & catfood. YUM! YUM!
Strawberries, tomatoes, cabbage and corn on the cob. I hang the corn from a rope with a large eyehook screwed into the end of it. It's funny to watch them all stand in a circle around the corn and peck away! They always eat the corn first.
I had to go to the pet store to pick up dog food today, so I splurged on some giant mealworms for the girls (and guy) while I was there. And they got all the over ripe tomatoes and cucumbers from the garden. I get a kick out of watching all of them hop across the yard running after cherry tomatoes
Scrambled eggs, both the big girls and the pre teen chicks. It is a crack up when I take out a really good treat. To reduce the poop on the porch I have started limiting their forage time to late afternoon after snack, and it was gobble a couple bites, run to the gate,oh its open!
, rush back for more treat, check the gate and repeat until I start heading back to the house, then it is line up for the parade to freedom.
Mine got green bell peppers from the garden that is gona get turned over in the morning to plant my girls a cover crop of rye grass to forage this winter.

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