What treat did your chickies get today?

I'm NOT an expert, but someone here reported feeding their chickens raisons. Raisons are toxic to dogs; the mechanism is not clearly understood, but the consensus seems to be kidney damage, from what I've read. This would make me leery about giving them to chickens. What's interesting is that grapes seem to be fine for dogs. Maybe it's an issue involving concentration of toxins, since raisons are highly concentrated grapes.

Raisins and/or Grapes are not good for dogs!
In a small dog (10 lbs) as few as 8 raisins/grapes may cause acute renal failure.

Seedless Grapes are Ok for chickens... The seeds are known to be toxic!

HTH, Lisa
hey just a heads up grapes are not ok for dogs either. the sugar content and the way they metabolize in their system plays havoc with their organs and blood. I have seen many dogs get their stomach purged and have to be given toxiban from eating grapes. I have also seen them come in acting disoriented and wobbly from the after effects of grapes.
I'm a bad mommy, my roo got blueberry poptart for a snack this morning, but later today he'll get chopped papaya, sweet potato, red banana and guava... that makes up for the poptart right?
A couple of half-rotten, soft apples and tomatoes (chickens don't mind!), leftover popcorn from the kids' movie night last night, and a 1/3 bag of stale Cheerios.
Mine got a pocketful of yellow pear tomatoes, 4 grated carrots (they won't eat whole carrots but gobble them down if I grate them up first
), BOSS, raisins (yep, I've given raisins to my chickens for 40+ years and never had a problem, they're grown all around here and I get about 1/2 ton free every year so my chickens DO eat a lot f raisins.)
Later today I'll see if there are any zucchinis on the plants for them.

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