What treat did your chickies get today?

Mine got 2 pumpkins that my sister-in-law took the seeds out of for baking, and some other going-bad produce that she cleaned out of her fridge, plus some carrot 'peelings' that my mom donated.
They seemed pleased with these offerings
particularly the carrot shavings were a big hit.
On my days off from work I love to cook up some oatmeal with blueberries. Divide it into 4 pans and watch the girls dig in. We have one that has a crooked beak and she really goes nuts over it. She runs from pan to pan looking for the deepest piles of oatmeal.
Thats probably the main reason I do it is because of Crooks.
I know, what a name.....................
Today our chickies had the normal feed, plus hot pancakes right off the grill, and crowder peas that were left over from Saturday night dinner at the church. I heated a bowl of those up and put them out tonight and they were gone in no time. Thinking of doing oatmeal with carrots in the morning, not sure as it depends on how much time I have left. Tomorrow will be my late morning getting in from work.
I say hot but not really hot. If its to hot for a baby then I won't give it to the chickies. That and usually my son will carry out the food and if its hot he can't hold the bowl by himself. I much rather him get covered by the chickies slinging food than me. They are nicer to him and don't rush him.
I have 2 Brahma hens. Their sisters have just started alying so I have my fingers crossed!

These are our first try at raising chickens.

This morning I put out some diced mellon and some shreded "hearts of broccoli, cauliflower hearts, carrots and red cabbage" (comes in a bag, I don't cook, even for chickens!)
The really seemed to like it! There was a bit left over so I think I gave them just a bit too much. It was about 1/2 a cup. (2 chickens)

Learnin' as I go!
I made a pot of homemade chicken vegetable soup last Sunday, and we've eaten all we're going to eat of it. The girls are getting the last 2 cups of it today, and it's FULL of chicken meat. I know, I know, it seems wrong to feed them cooked chicken, but I used to feed goldfish to my South American cichlids when I was raising fish!

Besides, it's more palatable to watch them eating leftover chicken than it is to see them running around the yard playing keep-away with 1/3 of a mouse that they found.... blech.

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