What treat did your chickies get today?


and who do you think can hold out longer?

I truly believe a happy chicken lays better
And nothing makes a chicken happier than FOOD!
My grandkids are here--both 12 years old and fussy eaters still--the chickens will be doing very well for a few days--half finished sandwiches, cereal, and dinners.

and who do you think can hold out longer?

I truly believe a happy chicken lays better
And nothing makes a chicken happier than FOOD!

OK well they get their feed... cracked corn before bed and the bugs and stuff... but nothing extra, though maybe a cabbage hanging from the ceiling or something... seems they aren't too impressed with this snow! Spoiled...
Mine got a granola bar and an ear of corn to pick at last night as well as some vanilla yogurt with some yummy granola it. Today since it's so cold, I'll probably cook them some Quaker oats! YUMMMMMM
Just tried giving my girls some shredded cheddar cheeze.
The LOVE it! Wast down seconds before they gobbled it up!

2 Brahma hens
For some who have complained on production I switched feeds and mine shot through the roof. Its just purina and it was more expensive than what I was getting at our feed mill but it helped a ton. I am down to 9 layers right now and I get at least 8 eggs a day, every day. Once I got 10 but I think one was from my polish which even though female I do not consider to be a layer. It was tiny and white so I think, maybe.

Mine got sweet potatoes, pumpkin bread ( it got squished) and some boiled eggs ( I had WAY too many so they got some older ones)
Mine got turkey, dressing, green bean casserole, bread. They appeared to enjoy it.
Oh and earlier, as I was boiling eggs for deviled eggs, one floated - so I cooked it up and fed it to them.
Wow - great idea! I'm sure they loved it. I tried giving mine some beef suet yesterday. Unfortunately, I didn't guard it well enough and the dog ate it instead.

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