What treat did your chickies get today?

Yesterday they got a combination of vegetables; celery, carrots, radishes and cucumbers.
The chickens also got a ton of chicken livers yesterday.

My friends think that's weird.
I've been trying to broaden my 8-week-old chickies' diets. So they spent the day out on grass, and we're fed a leftover brown rice dish, cobs from corn we'd eaten, some uncooked red lentils and some slightly over ripe cherries.

One of our four hens is so stupid that she can't understand that food comes from anywhere but the feeder. She might wade into the middle of a feeding frenzy, and she might even imitate the other birds and touch her beak to what they're eating, but she fails to make the mental connection between what her flock mates are eating and food. Poor dumb thing.
I've been trying to broaden my 8-week-old chickies' diets. So they spent the day out on grass, and we're fed a leftover brown rice dish, cobs from corn we'd eaten, some uncooked red lentils and some slightly over ripe cherries.
One of our four hens is so stupid that she can't understand that food comes from anywhere but the feeder. She might wade into the middle of a feeding frenzy, and she might even imitate the other birds and touch her beak to what they're eating, but she fails to make the mental connection between what her flock mates are eating and food. Poor dumb thing.
She'll learn, I have 4 EE pullets that do the same thing they are about 6 weeks old.
I've been trying to broaden my 8-week-old chickies' diets. So they spent the day out on grass, and we're fed a leftover brown rice dish, cobs from corn we'd eaten, some uncooked red lentils and some slightly over ripe cherries.
One of our four hens is so stupid that she can't understand that food comes from anywhere but the feeder. She might wade into the middle of a feeding frenzy, and she might even imitate the other birds and touch her beak to what they're eating, but she fails to make the mental connection between what her flock mates are eating and food. Poor dumb thing.

That is just too funny!!!
The strange thing is that three of the birds are thrilled to eat food other than crumbles, and one just doesn't have a clue. She was also the one who would shove her face into the corner of the brooder to shield her eyes from danger.

I know we shouldn't laugh at the feeble-minded, but this poor chicken really is odd.
Inner peel of 4 onions and ends with juice from sardine can and tomato juice, all blended in the Magic Bullet and poured over the fines (powdery stuff at bottom of feeder). Of course, I didn't pour it into the feeder. I emptied the fines into an old pan and poured onion mixture over that. Ate it like they were starved. Two hens used it to soak their feet in while eating.
Boiled chicken(oh man you should have seen the tug of war going on between chicken and duck over that one)
raw oatmeal
broccoli, they had to fight the dogs for this treat
cooked white rice
I offered some beef stew, no one but the dogs wanted that one.

Today was clean out the fridge day, and poultry get the stuff that's not going to be used before it goes bad(stuff I had plans for soon so didn't freeze it but then ran out of time), they get the goodies that are still good.
and yeah....the worms were in the fridge.

Oh, forgot the watermelon chunks. My parents went out of town and mom cleaned her fridge out, and sent home strawberries and watermelon for the derpies.

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