What's so special about Silkies? [got them!]

Ick! I would never own one of those.

You probably could pull that off being a dog with a bad haircut though.
I never wanted silkies either. Then I ordered a "surprise package" of 25 bantams just for kicks, and I got 2 silkies in the batch. I am now officially hooked. They are the calmest birds ever, they love to snuggle, and they feel like heaven when you hold them! And no, I don't find them particularly hard to keep clean as long as you give them a way to get out of the rain. They don't handle being wet very well since their feathers are so soft (no barbels on them) but other than that they are not high maintenance. BTW, one of those original two is my best broody hen, and it's not just because she goes broody easy. She is also just an all around awesome mom, will accept any chick you want to give her, and raises every one. The only other chickens I have that are this friendly and broody are my OEGBs and Dutch ... I'm hooked on them, too (although I do have nightmares about what would happen if my Dutch roo got to my silkie hens LOL ... fuzzy game birds?! akkkkkk!)

At least they didn't say they were cute.

I love my silkies--we get picked on all the time when folks come over and see our birds free ranging. Then the SPOT the silkis scattered about and say "what in God's creation is that?" They continue to tell me everything they can think of that it reminds them of!..mope-feather dusters-pillows-etc ... Its funny
HOLY SHIZ-NITS!!!!!! silkies are my life. here is why i like them

1. there fluffy
2. there gentle
3. they dont look like a chicken so you can keep them illegally
4. they go very broody
5. they lay a very nice egg. not to big. not to small
6. They are excellet mother. better than any human could do
7. They are very sweet even the roosters
8. they come in many colors and patterns
9. they keep themselves clean


If you don't have kids they tolerate dress up.....



They are good at helping to raise other animals because of their overall docile nature...................


They will sit still long enough to ride emus.......


Most are easy to diaper train ... ( although not amused by it )


They can help clean & dust your office.................



they enjoy celebrating holidays......


or playing games like peek a boo when your sad....


cute puffy chicks are a plus.............

But in all honesty until I got one I had no idea how personable they were. Sophie follows me around like a dog, she loves to be held and will kick her legs out to the side and go to sleep in my lap. If I'm in my office with the door shut , she will scratch on the door or try and peep under the door and talk until I come open it. She will try and jump in my lap when I'm sitting on the computer. She enjoys going for car rides ( she actually throws a fit when she hears my car keys) and going out to visit people at TSC or the feed store. She loves eating spaghetti.....
I find that they are a good ambassador for chickens, most people are interested enough to approach and ask questions and pet her. Not something a lot of people will do with a average chicken. They then get to see how funny chickens can be and that they can be more than the precieved "nasty yard chicken stigma" they grew up thinking. this allows them to see that other chickens may not be so bad. Children seem to be less afraid of the Silkies too. They may be reluctant to touch a average chicken, but something about a Silkie lets most kids let down their guard.
They do make awesome mothers and will often take in chicks from other birds.
They are just all around funny to watch, they have funny movements, funny actions and all have different personality's.
Some are like the true blonds of the chicken world... staring into space for hours, pecking at dust particles in the air, getting stuck in corners.... LOL
Some are the race car addicts... zooming around always into something, never sitting still, always talking, jumping into the air, kicking up dust.
Some are the snuggle bunnies and come to you and want attention and to be held.
Some may not want anything to do with ya... although that is often young birds...
But they are all entertaining.... I have 2 in my sink right now that are drying from a bath, as they are headed to a local zoo for their childrens exhibit.

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