When can an adult rooster be introduced to pullets?


6 Years
Apr 20, 2013
We have 14 chicks/pullets ranging from 6-9 weeks old. When can we introduce an adult rooster to live with our flock?

Thanks for the help!
Hmm I don't have any experience with this, (my rooster grew up with my flock) but I would wait until they're a little bigger. My hens love my new 8 week old pullets but the rooster is still a little unsure. I know he would be able to hurt or kill them so I have them fenced off in the run with them. They get a little time to mingle everyday but I am waiting until they are bigger and able to defend themselves better if need be.
Don't introduce him to pullets less than 18 weeks old. He's going to want to breed them and you don't want him hurting a pullet that is too young.
My experience is the total opposite. My adult roosters don't try to breed pullets until their combs redden and they're sexually mature. Juvenile roosters can mature faster than pullets of the same age and try to mate an unready pullet, but it's usually not dangerous to her as they're roughly the same size and she can get away from him.

If I had an adult rooster that tried to mate immature pullets I'd cull him.
My experience is the total opposite. My adult roosters don't try to breed pullets until their combs redden and they're sexually mature. Juvenile roosters can mature faster than pullets of the same age and try to mate an unready pullet, but it's usually not dangerous to her as they're roughly the same size and she can get away from him.

If I had an adult rooster that tried to mate immature pullets I'd cull him.

Well, if there are no hens for him, will he get upset? I could put a hen in with him, as well.

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