Which breed is your friendliest chick in your flock?

Hands down the Golden Comets (Honey and Rose), then the black sex links. One of the EE's is pretty friendly and the other two don't like me.
The GLW's will sit on my lap but don't like to be cuddled like the comets do.
ours is Tammy, a Silver Lace Wyandotte, she comes right over when we take the brooder top off and DH reaches his hand in and says come to Papa, hops in his hand and seems to really enjoy being held and loved on.
My vote would be my Blue Laced Red Wyandotte..I can barely get in the coop before she (I think she) is on me
I can hold her, pick her up, carry her around..I just lover her..She is a doll..Gosh I hope its a girl! She is 5 weeks old. The Ameracauna comes in second..not as loving but will crawl on me but on her terms..
Definitely our blue laced red wyandotte....since we brought her (we are positive its a she at this point) home at 4 days old she decided she was the one! She thinks she is a lap dog....she did not get the memo that she is a chick! We also have two golden laced wyandottes who are not too far behind.
My 4 Buttercups, 2 buff Orpingtons and one of the Turkens always compete to see who gets to be held first. It's usually the Turken, followed by the Buttercups.

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