White Easter Egger?

Well if you got light brown then you were told wrong on the parentage. Cream Legbars are blue egg layers which is dominant. Combined with an EE who should have at least one copy of the blue gene, you should have gotten blue or even a light greenish blue egg. There is no way you should have gotten brown from those two crosses.

Thanks for your response! I am referring to the eggs that I got to put under my broody. The eggs are from the white ameraucana or EE, the cream Legbar fertilized the egg. I just assumed the EE's eggs would be something other than light brown. We'll see what happens when/if they hatch. I was just expecting the actual fertile hatching eggs would be blue/green!
I feel so dumb asking this, but here it goes... I bought some fertile eggs to put under my broody hen. Two of them are supposed to be cream Legbar rooster mixed with "white ameracauna" hen. My thought was "those will be some pretty eggs"! Well, the eggs are not blue or green. They are light brown. What am I missing?

Assuming the ameracauna is actually an Easter Egger, brown eggs are not uncommon. EE's can lay any color egg, most will lay blue or green, but not all. Since the rooster who fertilized the egg is a blue egg layer, the resulting chicks should carry the green egg laying genes.
Here is my white EE, brown EE, golden laced wyandotte, and cat lol
All righty... Need to know if this is a girl or not. Hatched from a brown farmers market egg, so I cannot tell you the parentage...perhaps Ameraucana/Araucana x RIR hen?
Hatched on New Year's Day, so 2 months (8 weeks) old. Greenish legs, no wattles, no saddle feathers that I can detect or pointy hackles, single no-color comb that slightly zig-zags, but the slight curve in the tail feathers are throwing me...and I don't know squat about EE's and so need some input from those more knowledgeable.
Is this a pullet? Any guesses?

Thanks. Compared to her Brahma-cross roomie who has a puffball tail, the tail on the EE really caused some consternation, especially since she's just 2 months old..

This is Snowflake. I hatched her from a dozen eggs I bought at a house offering roadside eggs. She lays a pale blue egg. Since we raised her from a chick, she is somewhat tame- will let you pet her, but not eager for interaction. I would LOVE to find someone offering eggs from their white EE to see if I could get some more Snowflakes! I think she is really pretty- she's my favorite out of our 10 hens.

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