Who would you pick for a Rooster?


6 Years
May 6, 2013
I am told I have 2 Roosters (I may have more just got 12 new chickens different breeds 1 week old). I was wondering if it's important to have a rooster, we just want the chickens for pets and eggs.

If you had a choice what would you choose based on the breed and personality.

The 1st one, I don't know the breed, some people said Buff Brahma. I got them @ a week old, this was has always been bossy, as of lately (2 weeks) when I take out one of his friends, when I put them down he seems to look around and make sure everyone is accounted for... he is fine being held and around people. 3 months old

This next guy, runs away a bit, but one you have him he's sweet. He is more like one of the crowd, he doesn't make a fuss. 2 1/2 month old

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I would pick the silkie. I have a silkie roo and his absolutely gorgeous! He follows me around the backyard and is fantastic with our daughters. We pick him up, carry him around. I love him sooo much.
Well i was told by the people on here that the silkie is a roo and the other one, happily crows at 6:15am everyday!
If you have the luxury of time, I'd keep them both until they are 9 months to a year old. Rooster personalities don't really show themselves until that point. You want the one that is good to the hens and not too rough during mating, with bonus points for dancing for the hens instead of just grabbing them by the head and mating them. You'll also most likely know by that point if one of them will be human-aggressive (I'm a little suspicious of the one that's so friendly; believe it or not, that's NOT a good sign at this age).

Other than that, if both of them turn out to be OK roosters, think about your future flock. Would you rather have a bunch of half Silkies, or half Brahma running around?
I can keep the roosters, but I am wondering if they are even needed, since I have the chickens for the purpose of eggs and pets. 

What are your guys opinions on if it's important to have them? Thanks
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Here is a link to a video i took of them this morning...since I'm using my phone it won't let me embed it...i will when I get home :)

Keep both!!! One will be the boss of the coop the other one will be your pet
hee hee hee hee.....
Those are beautiful photos! Wow. what a rainbow!

I have two roosters, one is a huge Buff Orpington, and the other is a little Blue Splash Silkie. They are only 19.5 weeks old. The BO is definately the dominant rooster (obviously lol). He is all hormones right now, and is mating with the girls in a very assertive way. The little Silkie crows better than my BO but is very amiable with the girls; I have only seen him try to mount once, and quite unsuccessfully. They get along with each other though, so at this point, I'm not seeing a reason to get rid of one. I would say keep both unless you start seeing signs of disagreement between the two.

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