I bought my first brood of day-old chicks at the end of April 2009 (7 of them) and then started another brood at the end of May (5 more). I've since gotten a few more and have 16 all together. I have 2 roosters and 13 hens currently and am hatching some chicks.
My kids have named a few of my girls and I have named a few more. I am still working on names for them, though.
My flock includes:
Coop 1-
3 "Araucanas"/EE (2 pullets, 1 roo) - My roo is named "Gallo" and my original araucana girl's name is "Candy." The newest is "Sarah Connor" (Transformers) cause my son thought "araucana" sounded like "sarah connor"
3 Wyandottes (1 silver-laced & 1 gold-laced-pullets, 1 buff roo.) - My silver-laced is "Belle" and is my personal pet/favorite She's turning out to be a lap chicken. The gold-laced is "Sansa" and the buff (roo) is "Pikachu"
2 black sex-links - "Danaerys," "Cinderella," (Dany and Cindy) and "Eva," RIP was a 3rd but the dogs got into our chicken pen
1 red sex-link - "Noodle"
2 barred rocks - "Snowflake" and "Arya"
1 australorp - "woody" (my son thought she looked like a woodpecker)
1 blue orpington - "Gilly"
2 Rhode Island Reds - "Rosie" and "Ruthie"
Buff 1/2 EE, 1/2 RIR
coop 2- (still working on names here. There are lots and only 3 months old, most of them) mostly girls
EE - Holly, Reece
Blue ameraucanas - 2 girls, 2 boys
French black/blue copper marans - Smokey is my blue copper marans roo, plus I have 2 black copper females
Buff orpington - Polly
Blue-laced red wyandotte - Cabela
Salmon faverolles - Chum
cornish (white laced red) valentina and un-named
buff brahma - sunflower (or sunny)
cochins - 1 buff and 1 black... haven't thought of names yet, but they're cute
silkie - Ziggy is a lavender split
White crested black polish - Elvira and Einstein (1 boy and 1 girl)
Welsummers - several in there, but no names yet
barnevelders - several in there, but no names yet. They're young still also, don't know about boys v girls
home-hatched mixes - Esther is our Easter chick. She's 1/2 EE and 1/2 SLW. Peanut and Maya were hatched in May, not sure what mix.
silver lakenvelder - Misty
California white leghorns - Blanca and Paloma
Speckled Sussex - Estrella
Blue Wyandottes - 4 girls, still not named yet...
Minutes-old Holly, my very first hatched egg
So far, Snowflake seems to be my head "hen" with Danaerys in second place. They're still quite young, though, so we'll see if the top of the pecking order changes any.
My kids have named a few of my girls and I have named a few more. I am still working on names for them, though.
My flock includes:
Coop 1-
3 "Araucanas"/EE (2 pullets, 1 roo) - My roo is named "Gallo" and my original araucana girl's name is "Candy." The newest is "Sarah Connor" (Transformers) cause my son thought "araucana" sounded like "sarah connor"
3 Wyandottes (1 silver-laced & 1 gold-laced-pullets, 1 buff roo.) - My silver-laced is "Belle" and is my personal pet/favorite She's turning out to be a lap chicken. The gold-laced is "Sansa" and the buff (roo) is "Pikachu"
2 black sex-links - "Danaerys," "Cinderella," (Dany and Cindy) and "Eva," RIP was a 3rd but the dogs got into our chicken pen
1 red sex-link - "Noodle"
2 barred rocks - "Snowflake" and "Arya"
1 australorp - "woody" (my son thought she looked like a woodpecker)
1 blue orpington - "Gilly"
2 Rhode Island Reds - "Rosie" and "Ruthie"
Buff 1/2 EE, 1/2 RIR
coop 2- (still working on names here. There are lots and only 3 months old, most of them) mostly girls
EE - Holly, Reece
Blue ameraucanas - 2 girls, 2 boys
French black/blue copper marans - Smokey is my blue copper marans roo, plus I have 2 black copper females
Buff orpington - Polly
Blue-laced red wyandotte - Cabela
Salmon faverolles - Chum
cornish (white laced red) valentina and un-named
buff brahma - sunflower (or sunny)
cochins - 1 buff and 1 black... haven't thought of names yet, but they're cute
silkie - Ziggy is a lavender split
White crested black polish - Elvira and Einstein (1 boy and 1 girl)
Welsummers - several in there, but no names yet
barnevelders - several in there, but no names yet. They're young still also, don't know about boys v girls
home-hatched mixes - Esther is our Easter chick. She's 1/2 EE and 1/2 SLW. Peanut and Maya were hatched in May, not sure what mix.
silver lakenvelder - Misty
California white leghorns - Blanca and Paloma
Speckled Sussex - Estrella
Blue Wyandottes - 4 girls, still not named yet...
Minutes-old Holly, my very first hatched egg
So far, Snowflake seems to be my head "hen" with Danaerys in second place. They're still quite young, though, so we'll see if the top of the pecking order changes any.
clock-wise from top-left: Snowflake, Danaerys, Arya, Candy, Gallo