If you're like most and keep your coop nice and dry, then you are no stranger to DUST...

You can call it whatever pleases you (chicken dander), but I'm sure you realize what's in the air, I'll just refer to it as "dust".

Now just how do you rid the coop of dust, easily, quickly, and effectively, without the need for hazmat suits?

My simple solution eliminates my coop dust in less than 5 minutes.

After considerable thought, this took about 20 minutes to build, super easy solution.

Tools required:

Materials required:

All 4" plastic black drain pipe and components, available at most big box stores, surprisingly inexpensive.

These are utility hangers, I used one outside the coop, one inside the storage area, as they came as a pair.

I already had and use an electric leaf blower to blow the dust out of the coop, but all to often, I was just blowing the dust around the coop and not really out. Dust everywhere. I was using masks, goggles and protective clothing...

This method creates a positive pressure inside the coop, essentially replacing the normally stagnate air about once every 2 minutes, with fresh, outside the coop, dust free air.

How it works:

Turn on the stationary blower, use a second blower to move the dust into the "jet stream" where it gets swept away and finds its own exit. My coop is well ventilated.
That's it...

My build:


1. Make sure you do not exceed the amp ratings of your electrical wiring. Leaf blowers use powerful motors, same with vacuum cleaners. I purposefully purchased my second blower, as I did not need a power sucking unit. New, my second blower was under $30 and uses ~7 amps. Rated for 150 cfm. My wiring can handle ~15 amps, all GFCI.

2. Start outside the people door and work your way in. Dust just disappeared for me, Didn't seem to need any dust protection at all. Regardless I would always wear a mask. I had to blow into the litter to actually see how well it worked...I do not recommend you do that while in the coop...you will not believe how much dust is in 8 inches of pine shavings litter after 9 months...

3. Super powerful blowers are not necessary nor recommended. You are blowing dust, not wet pine needles after all.

4. Under 10 minutes to setup, use, and dismantle, the entire system.

5. Very beneficial to use when replacing the old litter with new.

6. Total cost of materials, including 1 new blower, was under $50.

Took this video to demonstrate just how quickly any airborne dust disappears when the stationary blower is displacing the coop air.

Air is dust free in literally seconds!

Constructive criticism always welcomed!
Thanks for looking.