Fermenting Chicken Feed: A Straightforward Method

Fermenting is a simple process which involves soaking chicken feed then feeding it to your chickens. It is similar to a sourdough starter! And there are so many benefits!

The Benefits
  • It is easier for your chickens to digest, especially if you are feeding them pellets or crumbles. Even grains get softer after soaking.
  • Your chickens will eat less. Soaking expands the food, and chickens also digest the fermented feed more thoroughly.
  • It is harder to spill than dry food. But even if a bit is spilled, the chickens will gobble it up. Sometimes it takes them a while to get used to fermented feed, but once they do they love it!
  • Tests have shown that chickens who eat fermented feed lay more eggs and they have thicker shells. By this I mean female chickens; roosters won't lay eggs no matter how much fermented feed you give them! ;)
  • Fermenting brings out probiotics that strengthen the chickens' immune system, making them less likely to get sick.
  • It adds more nutrients! Good for gut health too!
  • The chickens have shinier feathers, look healthier, act healthier, and are healthier. Some people even claim that they poop less and that their poo is less messy and smelly when they are fed a diet of fermented feed!
  • As said before, the chickens love it!

Now you're probably thinking, "how to I get this marvelous food?" Hold your horses, I'm getting there!


How To Do It
First, gather all your suppplies. You will need:

  • A bucket
The size of your bucket depends on how many chickens you have. I use a one-gallon bucket for my flock of 10-20 chickens, mixed standards and bantams. If you have a very small flock you could probably just use a kitchen container.
  • A loose-fitting lid for the bucket
Make sure the lid is not tight! If it is, it will explode and make a mess. As long as a bit of air can still go out you should be good!
  • A stirring stick
Currently, I'm using a brand-new paint stick. It is a bit flimsy, but food doesn't stick to it and it is just the right size. That should give you an idea of what to look for in a stirring stick!
  • A shallow container
It is nice (but not necessary) if your chickens can reach in without standing on the rim or jumping in, but the sides should still be tall enough to keep the food in. Or you could just dump the feed on the ground, if you prefer.
  • A scoop
I like a 1 cup scoop so I can easily keep track of how much my flock eats per day. But if you don't care about that kind of thing, it doesn't matter.
  • Water & chicken feed
The water should be drinkable. More about chicken feed later!

1. Put your chicken feed in the bucket. I wouldn't dare fill the bucket any more than half-way with pellets You still have to add water, and pellets swell a lot! In my experience, grains don't swell as much.

Feed in the bucket.

Water has been added.

Add enough water that it is about an inch or two above the food, or maybe more if you are using pellets. For your first time you will want a little extra water (though not too much) so you can check for bubbles, as you will see in step 3

Loose-fitting lid on bucket. You can also see my stirring stick and scoop on top.

2. During the first day check it at least twice to make sure you have enough water. A little extra is better than not enough. After day one, feel free to experiment with water levels to see what you like best. I like mine to be pretty thick, with extra liquid but not so much that it is "liquidly." Your ferment should never be dry, as shown in the picture below.


This feed needs more water!

3. Around day 2-3 it will be ready (by "day two" I mean 24 hours after you started fermenting)! I have been told that finished ferments have a smell that is hard to describe (the best adjective somebody gave me was "sort of fruity"), but because my nose doesn't have a good sense of smell, I judge the bubbles.

When you stir normal chicken feed in water, a few bubbles are sure to come up. But when the ferment is ready, it will bubble excessively at the slightest of pushes from the stirring stick. You will know it when you see it.

A healthy ferment! Notice all the bubbles.

4. Once your ferment is ready, scoop some out into your shallow container. I drain most of the juice in the scoop back into the bucket. My chickens don't drink the juice.


Fermented feed in shallow container.

I don't have a set amount that I feed my chickens. I prefer to scoop out a little extra. They will eat the leftovers in the evening or early the next morning.

After you scoop out some chicken feed, add some dry feed into the bucket. Here is a secret: you can control how full your bucket is by how much dry feed you add every morning. If your bucket is too full, add less feed. If your bucket doesn't have enough, add more feed.


Dried chicken feed on top of the ferment, ready to be stirred in.

Check the water level. As mentioned in step 2, please experiment to find what you like best! Once you are done with this, put the lid back on and head out to the coop!

5. Once you are in the coop, let the chickens at their feed! It may take them a couple of days to get used to their strange new food, but once they do they will forever adore it! I have never met a chicken who does not like fermented feed!

It is a race to get to the feed every morning!

Sometimes the smaller birds will jump into the bin and eat. The only disadvantage is their muddy feet.

After the chickens are done eating, I take the bin and scoop and give them a quick rinse. This just makes cleaning easier in the long run.

Repeat steps 4 and 5 every morning!


Choice of Feed
I don't know a ton about feed choices, but I'll give you my best!


Whole grains from Big D Ranch!

Gains are best to ferment, because they have more nutrients than pellets. When grains are fermented, they open up to allow more nutrients They are also less sloppy and easier to manage than pellets.

Pellets (and crumbles) work, but they are not the best. Fermenting pellets is like putting greens into a smoothie; yummier, but with about the same nutrients.

Corn is not the best either. It is not as nutritious as other grains. It works, but it could be better. And of course, you wouldn't ever want a single type of grain to be the sole part of your flock's diet!

Kahm Yeast
After just a few days of fermenting, you may find a thin white film of something mold-like on top of your water. Upon discovering it, most people (including myself) think it is mold.

Don't panic! After some research and advice from friends, I found out this is Kahm Yeast. Its a yeast, not a mold. It is harmless, though I have heard that it can affect the taste a bit, and can make the ferment pretty smelly.

Kahm Yeast is white and grows like a film on top of the water. It almost always has bubbles trapped under the film. On the first day it is very thin with a few bubbles here and there. After that it rapidly gets stronger until it looks like a bunch of wrinkly, gray film.

Day one of Kahm Yeast.

Day two of Kahm Yeast.

It is not harmful, though it does smell. Some people even claim that it provides extra nutrition!

When I ferment outside I just scoop it into the container and let the chickens eat it with the rest of their feed.

When I find Kahm Yeast, I skim the majority off and throw it away. This is one reason to keep the water an inch above the feed; to make it easy to remove the Kahm.

Over time, the Kahm Yeast smell grows. When it gets to the point where my family start pestering me (every couple of months) I sometimes let my ferment die out by not adding any food and completely start over. I dump out all the old water and give my bucket and stirring stick a good scrub. This helps keep the Kahm down a little in the next batch.

Warmer temperatures help the Kahm Yeast grow faster. So by keeping your ferment in a cooler area you will be able to control the Kahm better.

Additional Notes
  • I take care of my fermented feed in the morning, because that is when I feed my chickens. I don't allow my adult chickens free-choice unless I am on vacation. If you want, you could feed your chickens twice or even three times per day; it is just personal preference.
  • If I am going on a short trip, I put extra water and feed in the bucket and let it be, but if I am going on a long vacation I let my fermented feed level in the bucket drop lower and lower, then start over when I get back.
  • I ferment feed outside during the summer and inside during winter. My family makes me keep it in the garage because of the smell from the Kahm Yeast.
  • I have not yet dealt with mold in my ferment, but if I ever did, I would completely restart and wash my bucket very well.
  • Recently my feed bin tipped over and got stuck on top of one of my pullets. The first time this happened I was near and lifted it off her. The second time I did not find her until several hours later and she suffocated. From her death, I have learned to stay near my chickens while they are eating from a tall container that is tippy. To clarify, it was not the fermented feed that killed her, it was suffocation from being stuck under the bin.
  • As I mentioned before, it might take a while for the chickens to get used to fermented feed. If they refuse to eat, cut off all access to dry feed. If they are used to having access to food 24/7 it will take them a couple days to learn they should eat all they can at your one or two designated meal times. Be patient with them and don't lose hope!
  • For future reading you can check out this thread: https://www.backyardchickens.com/threads/fermented-feeds-anyone-using-them.645057/post-8695537
  • Remember, everybody's method is different. And that's okay! I would love to know what you do in the comments!

About author
The Creative Homesteaders raise and love on chickens, pigeons, cats, honeybees, rabbits, and a dog! We love nature and are working on becoming more self sufficient. We breed and conserve endangered heritage breeds!

About myself personally... I've been raising chickens for almost eight years and have participated in 4-H since 2017! I love using my chicken knowledge to help other people!

If you have any questions or feedback about my article, please comment below or send me a PM. Don't forget to rate and review!

Latest reviews

I’ve been wanting to try fermenting feed for my chickens for some time now and I finally got started last night. I work out of town for 3 to 5 days every other week so I figured that if I could get it started as soon as I got home this time I could see how it goes. I have pellets and it’s organic so that’s what I’m going with. I got up this morning to fully absorbed water so I added more. As soon as it settled I got bubbles and a little foam! I added more water and then decided that my sourdough discard would speed things up. They love the sourdough discard anyway. I wasn’t sure if anyone else had added that but right now, less than 24 hours, it smells amazing!
What a great article on fermented feed! Even a total beginner to it, like me, can find it easy to follow along with and learn from.
:jumpy🐔 I love this great article. I need to save on feed with 10 sweet chickens. Thank you so much!


I live in Northen Wisconsin and Im pretty sure I could not get away with this in winter right?
If it ever goes below 32 degrees F you will need to bring it inside. Below freezing temps kills the ferment. Mine is inside from late fall to spring.

So all you need to do is add water and follow these steps? Why didn’t I know this before? I always thought you had to add something special? Please confirm this for me. TYVM!
Yes! Isn't it just amazing what nature can do? :wee
Thank you for this very informative article. I don’t have chicks yet, but I’m gearing up for it once my coop is built this summer, so have not used FF as of yet. However, I do make Water Kefir for myself and the risk of Kahn Yeast developing is high. To stop it I use 1/8-1/4 organic lemon wedge and 1-2 dried prunes per 32 oz jar of Water Kefir. You could probably do the same for FF using 1/2-1 lemon cut into pieces and 2-4 prunes (of course scale lemon and prune to FF batch size). The good thing is the prunes are still tasty and I’m guessing the girls would enjoy that as well, but probably not so much with the lemons. Anyway, it’s a thought. Would love to see how it goes with your girls.
This is so interesting, I've never heard about it before! If I get my hands on some of those next summer I'll give it a try!
Hi, I have fermented whole grain feed, scratch, pellets. Chickens love it. I have 12 to 14 chickens. I used reverse osmosis water( what we drink) because our well water co-op uses chlorine. I have 4 glass jars (guart) I rotate carefully. Over the past year, I have lost 2 hens for no reason I can see besides maybe the fermented feed. Can they eat too much? I have seen the yeast, always drain it off. I don't rinse the grains ever. I add water when needed. Maybe I should use a bigger container add alot more water? Thoughts? Thank you in advance!
Sorry you lost some hens, hugs for you! :hugs
I've never had a chicken die from fermented feed, and I doubt that was the cause. Especially during the first couple years of chicken keeping, it is not unusual to lose a couple for no apparent reason. I recommend making a post on BYC to try to detective out what happened.
Again, sorry for your loss!
Sorry you lost some hens, hugs for you! :hugs
I've never had a chicken die from fermented feed, and I doubt that was the cause. Especially during the first couple years of chicken keeping, it is not unusual to lose a couple for no apparent reason. I recommend making a post on BYC to try to detective out what happened.
Again, sorry for your loss!
Thank you so much. Your kindness is so appreciated. I am happy to hear it probably wasn't the feed or over consuming.
Just did this for 1st time and added a small amount of ACV,no film on top ,fermented great and hens are loving it,its their 1st time eating it.We have 3 going through their 1st molt..not fun lol...thank you for this simple method!
That white film (kahm yeast) is very beneficial for the chickens to eat. The fermented grains provide the all important pro-biotics and the kahm yeast prevents harmful bacteria growth. Removing it isn't only unnecessary, it's tossing out some good stuff that the chickens like and need. Just stir it well daily, with plenty of water in it to prevent mold.
Sorry you lost some hens, hugs for you! :hugs
I've never had a chicken die from fermented feed, and I doubt that was the cause. Especially during the first couple years of chicken keeping, it is not unusual to lose a couple for no apparent reason. I recommend making a post on BYC to try to detective out what happened.
Again, sorry for your loss!
That white film (kahm yeast) is very beneficial for the chickens to eat. The fermented grains provide the all important pro-biotics and the kahm yeast prevents harmful bacteria growth. Removing it isn't only unnecessary, it's tossing out some good stuff that the chickens like and need. Just stir it well daily, with plenty of water in it to prevent mold.
I would encourage everyone to check with the poultry veterinarian in your state Agriculture and Market department regarding the practice of fermenting grain. Numerous pathogens find fermenting grain the perfect media for growth especially in warm weather. Chicken are very prone to fungal infections of their crops. Feeding wet feed can also cause crop impactions. I am a licensed veterinary technician, who has raised, shown, and treated chickens for more than 40 years. Layer pellets and crumbles are not meant to be fed in this manner.
Here in Santa Rosa, California lay crumbles in a 50# bag has gone up to $72.95. Chicken scratch is $15.75
And this feed store is the most reasonable in our area. I was thinking of raising some meat birds for our table since chicken has gotten so high in the stores. Guess not with feed so high.

My question is, can I ferment Hen Scratch? It has a lot of corn which the hens already don't eat. I thought corn was a favorite for chickens, not mine. My small flock consist of 8 pullets, two Banties and an older
colored egg hen. Pullets have just started to lay, large brown eggs. I let them free range during the day and shut up in coop a dusk. We have Red and Gray Fox, Raccoons, and Opossums. Mornings we have a large female Red Tail hawk watching the hen house. We wait to let the hens out until she flies on.

Picture shows a few hens scattering two piles of leaves. Must be bugs under those leaves, lol!

Thanks in advance for your advise!


  • Free pullets.png
    Free pullets.png
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I would encourage everyone to check with the poultry veterinarian in your state Agriculture and Market department regarding the practice of fermenting grain. Numerous pathogens find fermenting grain the perfect media for growth especially in warm weather. Chicken are very prone to fungal infections of their crops. Feeding wet feed can also cause crop impactions. I am a licensed veterinary technician, who has raised, shown, and treated chickens for more than 40 years. Layer pellets and crumbles are not meant to be fed in this manner.
My great grandparents fed soaked grain to all the livestock. I have been feeding fermented feed since 2015. Have not had any problems.
Chickens aren't meant to eat only grains. Grains would not have been available year round , except people store them, and chickens would be eating other things most of the year. Including fermenting things they would find in the jungle.

I also have made yogurt, kombucha, sourdough, cheese, sauerkraut and other fermented things without issues.
I just read the comment by a veterinary technician that warned about the dangers of feeding fermented feed. That settles it for me, will not risk the lives of my beloved chickens. Sounded good but I don't take risk.

Thank you LMDi60!
Do not he was specifying the pellet feed was a no go. not so much the grains so the scratch grains would be a really good option. Wonder if you could get fish any cheaper there they would love fish cooked or raw. That is a incredible price It went up to over 20 a bag here that is when I started fermenting grain mixes. see which is cheaper fish meal or soybeen meal (from extrusion) they will need extra protein that the scratch won't have one part meal to 6 parts scratch is how I do it. might get some kelp meal to for trace minerals
Do not he was specifying the pellet feed was a no go. not so much the grains so the scratch grains would be a really good option. Wonder if you could get fish any cheaper there they would love fish cooked or raw. That is a incredible price It went up to over 20 a bag here that is when I started fermenting grain mixes. see which is cheaper fish meal or soybeen meal (from extrusion) they will need extra protein that the scratch won't have one part meal to 6 parts scratch is how I do it. might get some kelp meal to for trace minerals
well he did mention the grain and other than good things in the grain but I"d imagine if you are keeping it wet enough as in submerged like was explained you will be fine. But it is your decision your birds are your responsibility and I"d not fault anyone for being cautious for their gals sake.
I started a batch on 1/26/22. I used an organic grain/dried veggie layer mix that I buy from a farm who sells eggs to our local grocery chain. Our water is mineral-heavy well water that gets treated with a UV light as it comes into the house. By the 30th it already had a layer of Kahm yeast and REEKED--like dead fish dog breath. Our house is about 69-70° most days, with very dry heat from a wood stove. I can't keep it outside because we are in the teens/low 20s at night. During the day it MIGHT hit freezing. Anyway, I scraped off the yeast growth and have gotten a few bubbles (no crazy bubbling like the post mentioned) but the smell is not at all pleasant still. I may just toss it and forget about yet another step to my choring, but I wanted to see if there was anything I could do to tweak my method. Any thoughts?
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I started a batch on 1/26/22. I used an organic grain/dried veggie layer mix that I buy from a farm who sells eggs to our local grocery chain. Our water is mineral-heavy well water that gets treated with a UV light as it comes into the house. By the 30th it already had a layer of Kahm yeast and REEKED--like dead fish dog breath. Our house is about 69-70° most days, with very dry heat from a wood stove. I can't keep it outside because we are in the teens/low 20s at night. During the day it MIGHT hit freezing. Anyway, I scraped off the yeast growth and have gotten a few bubbles (no crazy bubbling like the post mentioned) but the smell is not at all pleasant still. I may just toss it and forget about yet another step to my choring, but I wanted to see if there was anything I could do to tweak my method. Any thoughts?
I can't smell myself. The cooler the temps, the better for keeping down kahm yeast. I keep mine in the garage during winter, where it stays around 40*.
Scraping it off daily is the only action I have tested. Maybe others have tips. Good luck!
That white film (kahm yeast) is very beneficial for the chickens to eat. The fermented grains provide the all important pro-biotics and the kahm yeast prevents harmful bacteria growth. Removing it isn't only unnecessary, it's tossing out some good stuff that the chickens like and need. Just stir it well daily, with plenty of water in it to prevent mold.
Update..it has developed the yeast on top and yesterday I just stirred it up and gave them some,it was later in the day so they weren't too interested. Thank you for your knowledgeable input💗
Hi, PioneerChicks -- Thanks! You've convinced me to try this! I have one hen who always a little wonky ... seems to have more problems than normal. This diet sounds like it might be the ticket. However, I am curious: If a hen of yours tipped over a bowl and got some of this food on her, why did it cause her death? I can't see any reason why this food, fermented but certainly not toxic, would kill her?

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