Common egg quality problems

  • Author sumi
  • Publish date
  • Updated
  • Article read time 11 min read
Thanks so much for the info! Very useful and easy to understand. Will definitely use this in future cases!
Good information, all of which makes sense. I leaned a lot from this article, and will remember it when I get an odd egg!
Great except I wish you would tell which ones are safe or not safe to eat.
Excellent descriptions of various egg deformities and the possible causes thereof. This is my first year with laying hens and I thought I had seen every weirdness imaginable- turns out I wasn't even close! I will definitely be keeping this as a reference and appreciate the clarity of the pictures offered. great job!
This is such a helpful overview. Great pictures and explanations. I have bookmarked this in case I ever need it for future reference.
I found this very helpful and a valuable resource for all us chicken folks. I will refer back to it when I have a question.
Thank you for the information it was very informative.
I know that I’ll be coming back to this article over time to check if and when I have egg laying issues. Thanks for taking the time to write this.
I greatly appreciate this article...there is so much to learn as a newbie and having articles, such as this one, is so helpful! Thank you!!!
Learned so many things to look out for with our girls eggs! Definitely bookmarking this article for reference in the event that we have some malformed/abnormal eggs and/or yolks!
Thank you for this! It is very much appreciated :yesss:
Literally everything I could have wanted to know about my chickens' occasional odd egg!
Excellent article and answered all my questions about our eggs. It is good to know the process of the egg formation and what to watch out for.
Thank you for all your hard work and research in to his subject. It is really helpful information for all levels of experience.
All you need to know about eggs, Great information!
Well written, covers just about everything you want to know about eggs.
I recently hatched duck eggs, and there were some that seemed to have the water miscolored egg whites along with the dead chick, I was curious what it could be when other egg whites around the dead duckling were normal.
I had no idea about platinum yolks. There's so much beside just behavior and diet.

I'm glad all this knowledge doesn't disappear (my 18yo nephew can't change a tire :) )
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