This is our brooder "Tank". I don't know if it will be accepted, since we didn't actually build it, except for the door and I didn't think to take pics of that process. But I wanted to share it with you because it has worked out great so far, and my chicks seem to be happy campers! Ok. Here is what we did. Last Friday, I drove past the house of a friend of my husband. Out on his front porch looked like a fish tank, which I had been thinking about for a few days for a great brooder. I actually think I got the idea from BYC. So I stopped and asked him if he wanted to sell it and he said no, I will GIVE it to you! Whoo hoo!!! I like free!!! It is a 20-25 gallon size. My sweet husband (what would I do without him)

Brooder Tank Brooder Tank Latch Brooder Tank w/o Light

Brooder Tank w/ Light Brooder Tank w/ Light