Egg Color Chart - Find Out What Egg Color Your Breed Lays

Excellent color chart and the comparisons between different breeds of Chickens.
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Reactions: Michigan Monti
I enjoyed scanning through all the breeds
The pictures are very helpful.
For anyone interested in a colorful egg basket, this is a good reference to go by when selecting breeds for their flock.
I’m excited for my small little flock of 3 EE to start laying so I can see what colours their eggs will be. But this list is great so when we eventually are able to expand our flock we can plan for a variety of colours. Thanks for the list!
Very informative, with lots of great info! Well done on doing all that!:clap:bow
Now I just have to figure out who’s eggs are who’s.
Awesome! Thank you!
Thank you so much! Great help.
Great reference of chicken egg colors vs breeds!
This is a great article!
Very helpful thank you!
It’s nice to have the photos of the eggs for each breed all in one convenient place! I know the list isn’t exhaustive, but it covers all of my breeds I currently have. Thanks for putting this together!
Thank you for your time providing this great info!
Clear and a good reference. Found egg colors for all of my breeds. Thank you!
Rainbow Dash.jpg

(Colombian Wyandotte - lays brown eggs!)
One of our Ameraucanas lays an olive green egg
Very informative.
Thanks for the pics!
My young girls (5 different breeds) are just starting to lay, and this is helpful for narrowing down who might be laying what.
So many colours... think I need all of them :D
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Reactions: 4Urbanchix
Great job getting pictures of most of the (breeds listed) eggs.
Loved the different pictures to see different bread eggs
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