See How They Grow............

We have two barred rock hens named Sugar & Spice.

about 1 week old:

7 weeks old
14 weeks old:

19 weeks old:


Sugar and Spice at 22 weeks - Such social butterflys, it's hard to get them alone. They are now laying light brown eggs. Spice started laying at 21 weeks of age and has not missed a day yet. She has layed 1 egg per day for 16 days in a row now. Sugar started several days later and is trying to catch up.
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Our first three Easter Eggers;

Cleopatra Sparrow Pippin
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7 weeks old -- Sparrow (top left) - Cleopatra (top right) - Pippin (bottom)

Cleopatra (far left) & Sparrow (far right) - 15 weeks old Pippin, dustbathing - 14 weeks old
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Cleopatra - 18 weeks Pippin - 18 weeks
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Both Cleopatra & Pippin are EE pullets and have similar coloring, but have a big difference in comb type (Pippin has the 3 row pea comb):
Cleopatra - 19 weeks Pippin - 19 weeks

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Sparrow at 22 weeks of age - She just layed her first egg yesterday (23 weeks old) and it's a pretty bluish/green or mint color

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Pippin & Cleopatra at 21 1/2 weeks - Pippin has started to lay olive colored eggs. Pippin's comb at laying age - 21 1/2 weeks.
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a production red/rhode island red, named Merry (Merry & Pippin are characters in LOTR),

1 week old
7 weeks old (next to the the white leghorns)
Production Red (hatchery RIR)- 18 weeks old - far right ---- She started laying at 22 weeks of age and is now laying pretty brown eggs.

two barnevelders, Penny & Lacy;

9 weeks of age

Penny at 11 weeks of age Lacy (reddish chest) - 11 weeks of age
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18 weeks of age (Penny's on the left, Lacy is on the right)

Penny - 23 weeks Lacy - 22 weeks - note reddish chest

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Penny - 25 weeks old Lacy 25 weeks old

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Penny - 25 weeks - shows the pretty lacing on her back
