Garden shed / chicken coop

This is a really nice coop. I would have to lower the nest boxes and add roosts. But I have LF not silkies, so they love their roosts.
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Thank you! Our silkies don't do well on traditional roosts and we've tried a few different things and they prefer being up on top those nest boxes. They use their ramps to get there and like being up there so we just use a big wide scraper and clean it off every week or two.
The nest boxes are very high, there are no roosts so this will encourage the birds to sleep in the nest boxes and the run is extremely small for the size of the coop it is servicing. I would also add a lot more ventilation to the coop.
The base structure is nice and sturdy and the walls should be easy to clean. It looks predator proof too!
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The info about that "run" was already in there. Ours free range. We don't have a run. I called the pen a run in one sentence so replaced it.
The info about the ventilation was also in there already, so now I added a picture and spruced up the text.
The coop houses silkies. We tried roosts, they rather sleep on top of the nest boxes.

I now separated the text on top to go with the pictures to make it easier to read and added a few. I was looking at lots of other articles and seeing how to make it a little more eye-catching. Thanks, you inspired me.
This is a great article! A little more details on possible things to add like mice preventions, automatic doors, or possibly even roll out nest boxes. I really like this setup and the way it's built however although I wish I could make something like this I have a horrible wood mite infestation and I'm making a coop out of two attached IBC totes for collecting rain water from gutters! I really like your article and I'd suggest you submit it to the article contest!!! I've already submitted a few of my articles!
Gorgeous coop. I would have loved seeing how this coop was converted from the shed.
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It's a beautiful coop! More build pictures/details would probably help; but overall I really like it.
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Nice build and repurpose of space
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Nice looking coop!
More details about the feeding and watering and etc. would make the article better.
Though this was about building a coop, I did go ahead and put what feed we use and our waterer info in there. Can never be enough knowledge! Thanks!
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