People will choose all sorts of times of year when they decide to bring birds home to roost.
There are things you may want to consider depending on the time of you to the sort of things you can do differently.
Spring and summer you may want to be more thorough when cleaning out their sleeping places & nesting boxes as the rise in temperature will encourage all sorts of little creatures you might not want on your feathered friends.To avoid this keep things clean .Spraying things out with water and taking advantage of the sunshine too.Then when thoroughly dry , dusting out with Diatomaceous earth.Take more time to dust each of your chickens too.
As it gets colder do any neccesary repairs in preparation for colder wetter weather.
If you have a manure pile tuck that up and perhaps start a new one to give the other one time to ferment and do it's stuff.( Presently on my too do list)
On those really snowy frosty days you should offer warmer water or at least make sure their water is not frozen over. Add extra bedding but follow their lead too. Observe their behaviour it can tell us alot.
Just a few ideas .... .perhaps you can suggest things which you do to create the best environment during the different seasons.