Hello Everyone.
My name is Caroline and I live in Upstate NY - 1 hr south of montreal Canada, across Lake Champlain from Burlington VT, and about 45 min east of Lake Placid, and about 2.5 hrs north of Albany.
My husband's name is Carl and I have a daughter named Michaella.
I used to raise purebred Polish Rabbits- showed them, and had many grand champions and even won Best in Show - travelled to shows all over NY, VT and even into OH and PA.

I got pretty sick about a year or two ago and could not take care of all my rabbits and could not attend shows so I regrettingly sold all my rabbits. I didn't think it was fair to burden my DH on caring for them everyday when I was so ill I couldnt even go outside to the barn to visit them.

I have gotten a lot better and after all the tests, doctors, neurologists, MRIs, CAT scans.... and the Doctors were pretty much no help... I have greatly improved though my vision is still "snowy" and sometimes I can see better in the dark than I can in a lighted room or outside.... Long story... But After a lot of research and a lot of my own money (insurance doesn't cover alternative therapies)... I feel better and if you meet me in Real life I should be wearing my IRLEN lenses (they are blueish in color). They have saved my life.

During that period of time, I had a lot of "losses" as well a lot of my Family has gone home to be with our Heavenly Father:
My Cat "Autumn" (old age), My father - Frank, My grandmother- Margaret, My dog- China (cancer) - all within 6 months time. It was a rough year or so for me.

On to the chickens, that is why we are all truely here.........

I have a mixed flock of Laying Hens. Orgionally started with my three "girls". Raptor, Red, and Blackie. My boss was getting chicks and she gave me one of each that she had gotten.
RED (rhode Island red) Raptor (Barred Rock) Blackie (Black Star)
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That was about 2-3 years ago.
Last year I got some more chicks. Polish, silkies, easter eggers, and sliver spangled hamburgs and my daughter got Japanese bantams.
I sold the silkies and polish, and all but on SS hamburg. Kept the EE's and my daughter kept the Japanese.
IZZY (silver spangled hamburg) Oatmeal (EE) Safari (EE) Snowy (EE)
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Cocoa Krispie (EE)
I have found that Chickens are way eaiser to take care of than my bunnies and I enjoy them in similar ways.
So right now I have 8 LF laying hens.
My daughter Michaella will be 14 this June. She currently has Black mottles, BTB, BTW, White Japanese Bantams.
I have come to love them very much. I love there personalities, there "chatter", and everything about them.
Here are some photos.
Black Mottled Hen Black Mottled Rooster Pair of BTB White Rooster/BTW hens
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We have hatched out some of our own chicks this year for the first time:
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My Daughter currently is trading or selling Hatching eggs from her Japanese - Just PM and we can get something scheduled to ship out to you.

Will be working more on this page at another time. Thanks for visiting.