This will the the place where I can update the food list for the Michigan Chickenstock event.

Chickenstock will be held on June 22, 2013. The location is Delta Township Park.

Below is the list of who is bringing what:

RaZRandyCalico baked beansY
BackyardFarmMom Ambrosia
Herducks Pasta salad
Farmerboy16 Rhubarb oat desert
SnowflakeMaryBrocoli salad & water
Kimmie6067 Bean salad & Ham roll-ups
tdhensen86TimDesert of some kind
minniefarmBarbwatermelon and pickles
Folly's placeMarychocolate cake
Keirys lasagna 16-Apr
mrshaggie810 big pot of chili 2-May
Lovinmychicks chocolate chip cookies 4-May
NovaAman Decorated cake 4-May
19sarah90 dessert
NigellasKerryQuinoa/Bean salad and a gluten-free desert. 16-May
Hillybilly Hen chips, homemade Mounds bars 20-Jun
Opa smoked chicken 25-May
Jorey Apple snickers 29-May
HollyDuckFarmer homemade bread for sandwiches, a jello desert 5-Jun
Scifisarah Bread and some sort of spread 7-Jun
Wynette Hot dogs, buns, ketchup & mustard 13-Jun
Silly Chicken Charcoal and veggie sticks 14-Jun
NovaAman Fresh fruit bowl 15-Jun
GlamkaGailbrownies 20-Jun
preciouskittyKatVenison stuffing meatballs & venison samplers for the grill 17-Jun
Mish cupcakes 18-Jun
Taprock Hummus, chips & crackers 20-Jun
uchytilCindysalad bar (veggie tray) 20-Jun
ladyrsanti vinegarette slaw 20-Jun