I built my brooder using plywood and metal corner brace things.

It is 2x3 feet, and 18 inches high

I made the lid by sandwiching hardware cloth with 1x3s

It is pretty sturdy, so hopefully no cats will get in!
Altogether it cost about $50, but I could have gone a lot cheaper on the plywood
It was fun to build and my chicks are coming soon!

Here it is, ready for chicks!

I thought I would add some toys - that's an oatmeal thing with holes in it, I've heard that chickens like tunnels! On the right are some mini roosts for the chicks to play on. I can't wait, they are coming either tomorrow or wednesday!

They are finally here!!! They arrived on tuesday, it was exciting picking them up from the post office, they were all peeping so loudly!
Here they are just a day old, eating some grogel
From left to right: my Barred Rock, Rhode Island red, Light brahma, Golden Comet, and Buff Orpington.