Permaculture at Mountain Mercy Farms

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Mountain Mercy Farms

We are a small permaculture farm in Middle Tennessee. We grow organic fruits, vegetables, and livestock to help fill the bellies of people in need, all for free!

In 2012-13, the Lord spoke to me and was quite clear of what he expected from my life. He wants me to farm, has blessed me with good friends and gorgeous dairy goat stock to begin this journey.

We work on a very tight budget, just moving forward at the best pace we’ve found. In time, with His blessing, our small farm should be filling the bellies of several locals in need!

We keep a small, beautiful herd of registered LaMancha and Miniature LaMancha dairy goats, chickens, Muscovy ducks, rabbits, and in time, quail and other barnyard fowl. We also hope to add the small heritage hog breed Black New Guinea Hogs in the future.

We use the deep mulch method, on our plants. We make our own compost, raise worms, and black soldier fly larvae, and really, just have a blast working with God’s land in His time!

We work closely with Slaven-Farms of Jamestown, TN. She has donated time, seeds, and excellent friendship to our family!

If you want to visit our farm, just send a message and we will see what we can do.

We have just gotten started and hope to be in near full-swing by the end of this growing season, in 2014 and into 2015.

Lots and lots of prayers are appreciated while we walk His path!

We Garden for God.