List Of Poultry Acronyms
After racking my brain trying to figure out what all the acronyms were here on the forum, I decided to make a page on my blog and add all the definitions I could find here in alphabetical order.
ACV=Apple cider vinegar
ANDY=Blue Andalusian
APA=American Poultry Association
APF=All Purpose Flour
ASAP=As Soon As Possible
BA OR LORP = Black Australorp
BB=Buff Brahma
BBB=Broad Breasted Bronze turkey
BBL= Be Back later
BBR=Black Breasted Red
BBW=Broad Breasted White turkey
BCM=Black Copper Marans
BF=Bantam Fowl
BF=Boy Friend
BFN= Bye for Now
BIL=Brother in Law
BL= Bue laced
BLRW=Blue Laced Red Wyandotte
BO=Buff Orrington
BOB=Best of Breed
BOBCLLF=Best of Breed clean legged large fowl
BOHICA=Bend Over Here It Comes Again (pertinant when dealing with government regulations etc....)
BOSS=Black Oil Sunflower Seed
BPR=Barred Plymouth Rock
BQ=Breeder quality
BR=Barred rock.
BR=Bourbon Red
BRB= Be right back
BR-Barred rock.
BSL=Black Sex Link
BTB=Black tailed buff (usually Japanese bantams)
BTW=Black tailed white (usually Japanese bantams)
BTW=By the Way
BTW-black tailed white (usually japanese bantams)
BV=Best of Variety
BYC=Backyard Chickens (the forum, not chickens in your backyard!)
CBOF=Cantankerous Bag Of Feathers
CF=Champion Featherleg
CL=Clean Legged
CM=Cuckoo Marans
C-ya = See ya
DB=Dark Brahma
DC=Dear Children
DD=Dear Daughter, Dear Dad
DE=Diatomaceous Earth
DF=Dear Father
DF=Dear Father
DF=Dear Fiance
DH=Dear (most times) Husband
DLM=Deep litter method
DM=Dear Mother, Dear Mom
DP=Dear partner
DS=Dear Son
DSD=Dear Step Daughter
DSF=Dear Step Father
DSM=Dear Step Mother
DSS=Dear Step Son
DUW=Dial up warning! Slow upload.
DW=Dear Wife
EE=Easter eggers (Ameraucana Crosses)
ETA=Edited to add
FIL=Father in Law
FL=Feather Legged
FS=For sale
FWIW=For What It’s Worth
FYI= For your information
GCM=Golden Cuckoo Marans
GDW=Golden Duck Wing
GF=Girl Friend
GF=Guinea Fowl
GL=Gold laced
GLC=Gold Laced Cochin
GLS=Gold Sex Link
GLW=Gold Laced Wyandotte
GP=Gold penciled
GPH=Gold Penciled Hamburg
HRH= Her Royal Heiness (SP?)
IMHO=In my honest opinion
IMHO=In my humble opinion
IMO-In my opinion
JBG = Jersey Black Giant
JG=Jersey Giant
LB=Light Brahma
LF=Large Fowl
LFS=Local Feed Store
LG=Little Giant
LG-Little Giant Incubator
LOL=Laugh Out Loud
Methione=An amino acid (containing sulfur) required for feather growth. It's found in black oil sunflower seeds which also contain 30% protein.
MIL=Mother in Law
MPC=My Pet Chicken
NHR=New Hampshire Red
NN=Naked Neck or Turken
NSQ=Non Show Quality
OEG - Old English Gamebirds
OEG=Old English game (usually standards).
OEGB=Old English Game Bantam
OEG-Old english game (ususally standards).
OMG=Oh My God
OP=Original poster
OS=Older sister
PC=Pea Chick
PC=Pea Comb
PEEP= The sound a chick first makes that let's you know you're going to be a mama! (Or papa!)
PH=Pea Hen
PITA=Pain In The Arse
POL=Point Of Lay
PQ=Pet Quality
RB=Reserve Breed
RC=Rose Comb
RF=Reserve Featherleg
RIR=Rhode Island Red,
ROTFLMAO=Rolling on the floor Laughing My a** off
ROTFLMBO: Rolling on the floor Laughing My butt off.
RP=Royal Palm turkey
RSL=Red Sex Link
RV=Reserve Variety
SC=Single Comb
SCOVY=Muscovy duck
SDW=Silver Duck Wing
SIL=Sister in Law
SL=Silver laced
SLC=Silver Laced Cochin
SLW=Silver Laced Wyandotte
SO=Significant Other
SP?=Spelling Right?
SP=Silver penciled
SPITZY=Appenzeller (Silver Spangled) Spitzhauben
SQ=Show Quality
SS=Speckled Sussex
SSH=Silver Spangled Hamburg
SSS=Shoot, Shovel, and Shut up! Predator category. Lol
TSC=Tractor Supply Co
TWITA=Thats What I'm Talking About
TY=Thank You
WB=Welcome Back
WCBP=White Crested Black Polish
WCP=White crested polish.
WFBS=White Faced Black Spanish
WL=White leghorn
WTB=Wanted To Buy
WTH= What the heck
WWYD= What would you do
I'll try to keep the list updated here.
Poultry Acronyms