Rhode Island
Brown/Red Created by Louieandthecrew
Breed Information, Comments, and Experience with breed:

My Rhode Island Red Rooster, Louie, is now one year old, and doing a great job at leading his flock. He is a great father of two and mate of four hens. He is sweet and really fun to be with. I hope you like him.




Description / Information



Sorry I don't know exactly how old he was here but, this is a picture of Louie when he was just a chick. At the time we didn't know if he was a hen or a rooster so his name was Lucy-Ann. he has deffanitely grown a LOT since then.​



Sorry about the age again. This was when Louie was still young. He was still just living in a big blue box with five other chickens! But he moved out of there shortly after this picture was taken.​



Here he is again, still in the box.​



This picture was taken on the day he and his five other freinds moved out of that little box and into the coop.​



And lastly, here is a recently taken picture of him. He has grown into a strong, proud rooster.​