Here is the Chikin Trakter. It is 4'x10'. The coop is 4' square. The floor of the coop is poultry netting as are the walls of the run. There is no floor in the run. It is framed out with 2x2s. The run door is a mix of scraps we had laying around. The coop door is just a sheet of plywood. We will be reinforcing this as it has bowed a bit. I still need to put a coat of paint on the coop, it is just primed at the moment. It will be white. We made it match our barn which is white with black trim and a red tin roof. The hatches on the side have different purposes. The one on the left will be egg access the one on the right is a window. The nesting boxes will be added when the chickens are old enough to use them. We have hung the water inside the coop (with a bit of clothesline and a carabiner) and the food is hung in the run.The pop door has a magnetic cabinet closure to keep the baddies out. A clothesline rope is attached to an eye screw just above it. The rope then runs through a small pulley and is secured outside the coop with an anchor.

If I had it to do again I would make it longer. A 4x6 run looks sort of small with my youngsters in it. I would stick with the 4x4 coop though. I would also put in a hatch where the feeder hangs so you don't have to go inside to feed. We will be building a permanent coop later and this will become the home for excess roosters. AKA Custer's Brigade. Because they'll all be massacred.:confused:

Sherman the roo and his ladies welcome you to their TRAKTER!




And Now we also have the Chikin Trakter Sport edition. It is our quarantine coop..
