RP Thread: https://www.backyardchickens.com/t/1019823/until-you-spread-your-wings-a-griffin-rp-needs-players

"Until You Spread Your Wings" is a fun, new RP game that anyone can join! This is our list of accepted characters.

Prophecy Characters

Name: Lolek
Gender: Male
Flock: Grey flock
Team: Prophecy
Personality: very perky and friendly, is a hypochondriac, creative
Appearance: grey with bluish spots that look like splatters
Other Notes:ummmmm?????

Name: Miriam
Gender: Female
Flock: Red
Team: Prophecy
Personality: Cunning and strategic, prideful and condescending at times, but shows genuine loyalty to friends. She can sometimes be grumpy or strict, especially if she hasn't gotten enough sleep!
Appearance: Muscular wings and a tall, stately built. Her feathers are all black, except on her face, which is patched with white and gray. Her eyes are pale blue.
Other Notes: She's Quill's elder sister by three years and already trained as a soldier for the Red Flock.

Name: Quill
Gender: Male
Flock: Red
Team: Prophecy
Personality: Passionate and creative, a hopeful spirit who tends to "think outside the box". He is a fast and clever fighter, but is inexperienced.
Appearance: Rather frumpy in appearance when compared to his sister, but shares her tall and thin physique. Has a slightly smaller stature. His plumage is a lot like Miriam's, black and gray with a white face. His eyes are the same color as Miriam's.
Other Notes: His real name is actually Gomelbery, but he hates it. Everyone calls him by his nickname, Quill.

Name: Aileen
Gender: Female
Team: Prophecy
Personality: Aileen is a cheerful and talkative griffin. She likes to socialize and works well in a team. Very energetic, but gets frustrated easily. She can also occasionally lose her temper.
Appearance: Her coat is a patchwork of white, ginger, and black, like a calico cat's, and her eyes are a striking golden color.
Other Notes: Often receives strange dreams, but can't figure out what they mean...

Name: Galaxia
Gender: Female
Flock: Gray
Team: Prophecy
Personality: She is usually very shy at first and has few friends. She thinks things through, and can be very cautious.
Appearance: She is gray with specks of green, white, black, and dark blue. She has blue/gray eyes. She blends in well.

Chicky Crazy
Name: Millicent
Gender: Female
Flock: Grey Flock
Team: (Prophecy or Austere? Austeres must be in Gray Flock) Prophecy
Personality: Bold, Wise, Strong, Smart, and Confident.

Other Notes: Millicent was orphaned when her parents from the Grey Flock were killed by the Red Flock. A couple from the Red Flock found her and brought her up as a warrior. All her life she was raised as an Austere in the hope she would return to the Red Flock and become a spy for the Austeres in the Grey Flock. When she was eighteen she spoke out against the Grey Flock refusing to hurt those in the Red Flock or spy on them. She was beaten and cast out. Now she wanders alone in the forest trying to survive in the hope of reuniting the flocks.

ducky 13
Name: Caymen
Gender: male
Flock: Red
Team: (Prophecy or Austere? Austeres must be in Gray Flock) Prophecy
Adventurous,friendly, peaceful,caring

Other Notes: Has been trying to bring peace between the two flocks for a few years, failing each time, he wasn't ready to give up. His parents wanted him to be brutal, but would ignore them. He would go out in search of another Griffin of the opposite flock, then he found one. He was flying about until he saw a grayish black female, name unknown. But this was a spark of hope. Perhaps he could get her on his side. Meeting her everyday at the same spot but never speaking a word. Then one day she attempted chasing him off but he did not budge...

Austere Characters

Name: Terner
Gender: Male
Flock: Gray
Team: Austere
Personality: Leader of the Austere, Terner is a cold and ruthless griffin. He will stop at nothing to get what he wants, and will often use force to achieve his goals.
Appearance: Deceptively short, slightly smaller than most griffins, but carries himself with pride. His coat is dark brown and spotted like a leopard's. His eyes are bright green.
Other Notes: N/A

Name: Genam.
Gender: Female.
Flock: Grey.
Team: Austere.
Personality: Quiet but has fierce loyalty to Terner, she would follow him anywhere, and she obeys him without question.
Appearance: Her coat is pure white with black specks on her wings and deep blue eyes.
Other Notes: I am new to BYC and the roleplays I have read before joining looked interesting, and as this is a new roleplay, I thought it might be a nice place to start since most roleplays have dozens of characters and hundreds of posts i would have to read.

ducky 13

Name: Shadow(Her parent's would call her Darkness)
Gender: female
Flock: gray
Team: (Prophecy or Austere? Austeres must be in Gray Flock) Austere
Personality: flighty,friendly,skittish,adventurous,cautious,quick,not the smartest but tries to make the best decisions

Other Notes: receiving her name a week after her hatch, she was named Darkness, for how brutal she was too her siblings and other fledglings around her. She killed her siblings for the food her mother would bring them, her being the only fledgling to feed made parenting easier, and the stress of catching enough food for her mother's brood lessened as Darkness ended their life one by one. The flick saw this and found her to be a great warrior when she got older but, the plan for her becoming a warrior is still being planned. Now in her teen age, she continues to fight for food, now getting her own food and often hunting alone. Until one day she had met a Red flock member, she had heard of them but have never met one. His name was Unknown to her but, she was often thrown off track as every time she headed out he was there. When she found that their flock was the cause of the famine she, tried scaring him away...

Name: Lenore
Gender: Female
Flock: Gray
Team: Austere
Personality: Compared to the other Austeres, Lenore can seem rather innocent and naïve. She is a poor fighter and a little squeamish when it comes to bloodshed. However, she is under immense pressure from her parents to succeed, and, as a result of their constant pushing, is on her way to becoming a proficient warrior. She has a good head on her shoulders; she just doesn't know how to use it. She feels the need to prove herself, and will go to dangerous extremes to prove her loyalty to the Austeres.
Appearance: Her coat is all white, but has become ragged and stained from the tough conditions the griffins live in. Her eyes are dark, chocolate brown. One of her wings is twisted slightly from an accident during her childhood, making it harder for her to fly.
Other Notes: Born into one of the higher-ranking families in the Gray Flock, she was forced to participate in the Austere's training and taught their extreme philosophies at a very young age. Lenore quickly became a huge disappointment, failing at most of the battle training. She was able to impress Terner and gain some respect after saving him in one battle, but she is still considered to be one of the worst fighters.

Name: Solace
Gender: Male
Flock: Gray
Team: Austere
Personality: Tough and quiet. His life as a loner shaped him into a bitter, hard-edged kind of griffin. His fights well on his own, but he has trouble working with a team. He values his alone time. He will often act rough and mean, if only to hide his own fears and doubts about himself.
Appearance: His coat is a light cream color, streaked with gold and brown. Various scars from past fights cover him. Most prominent is one going down the right side of his neck, given to him by the leader of the Red Flock. His eyes are mismatched. One is dark, sapphire blue. The other is hazel.
Other Notes: Solace's parents were part of the Red Flock, but they were killed in battle by Gray soldiers before he was even a year old. Lost in his grief and anger, he ran away from his flock. A bitter lone griffin named Dirge took him in, taught him how to survive, and left him to fend for himself when she disappeared one day. Solace eventually stumbled upon Terner and the rest of the Austere. He lied and said that his parents were of the Gray Flock, and the Austere accepted him into their ranks. He never really cared about winning the war, but he joined because Terner promised him an easier life after the war. Due to his experience in fighting, he quickly became a valued member of the Austere.