What color is this araucana


11 Years
Feb 12, 2008
Agawam , Ma
The pic makes her look more red . In real life she is more gold




Is she just a mix of colors
What you have there is an Easter Egger.
EE's don't have any specific color names though. Thy come in any an all colors. Very pretty.
She is a nonstandard color. Very pretty though and looks to be laced, which is quite cool.
Hinkjc these are actually from your stock ,i got them after my first hatch that didnt make it . I found a lady on craigslist that had these and she hatched them from eggs she got from some one else that got them from you . I dont know who but they gave me your website and they had your egg carton lol i have another one that is red and white to
Hi poultrykeeper08,

As I was going through the messages, I saw the comment you placed on where you got them from etc..

I was just wondering if the person you got your eggs from out-crossed. adn shipped the eggs you recieved in the same carton they got it in, there is a possiblity, recycle. you may want to double check, to be on the safe side. Also did this person have pics of their flock from that craigslist place. cause it came from this place, then went to other person, and finally to you. There must have been some kind of outcrossing??? Just double check, that is all, to know for sure.

But I do believe the pullet is an EE form of either ameracuna or araucana. But i like her incomplete laced/penciled look. she may change in pattern when she molts one more time to adult plumage. Oh yeah she looks golden-red patterned to me..

I hope this helps. I would love to see that pullets sister too.

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