

12 Years
Mar 14, 2007
I ordered the Stromberg's hatchery catalog and I am impressed with everything but their prices. They seem so much higher than the other hatcheries. Do they have really have that high of quality birds?
NO<NO<NO. they are just a drop ship kind of operation to my knowledge.they have breeders from different places ship stuff folks order.their wood duck prices are three to four times what they should cost from a reputable breeder.just using woodies as an example.
Even though Stromberg's is right here in Minnesota, I don't order from them. I go to one of the local feed and farm stores to order my chicks. They don't even get their chicks from them. I am lucky to have a farm store near by that has a variety of chicks on hand so I can pick out my babies myself. I don't have to make a minimum order of 25 chicks or whatever. I can just order what I want - even if it is just one.

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