Closing your auction when you sell off list


BYC Staff
Premium Feather Member
17 Years
Jan 11, 2007
NE Washington State
Just a reminder that you are able to close your own auction if there are no bids.

Simply click the "close" link in the lower right side of the main auction info section.

If there are bids, the auction will need to finish.

This gives others a chance to get their auction on the main page at the top.

Often we are seeing auctions spotlighted that have their titles changed to "sold" or "Mods Please CLose"

By taking your own action promptly, it will be more fair to all.

Is it possible to have your own auction end sooner than 7 days (as originally posted) because it'll end on the weekend (Saturday night) and the eggs need to go out sooner? If we could end it tomorrow- 6 days- then I could ship out on Saturday morning instead of Monday morning.

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