What am I? Everyone Meet Rodger the Roo


8 Years
Apr 13, 2011
Rodger is an amazing Roo. Very kind and sweet. He thinks he is a person! His owner died, and Rodger was forgotten, we were asked if we could take him. His feet are a mess, but he seems to get along really well.

Question is.. What kind of Roo is he?

Rodger now


Rodger feet



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Well, I'm glad you gave Rodger a good hom. He is a handsome boy. I'd say that he is an Easter Egger, b/c of the green legs/feet and it looks like he has muffs on his cheeks and his comb - looks like a pea comb. I've seen crooked feet like that on some of our birds. There are many things that could have caused it, but if he gets around well, that's wonderful!

Enjoy him.
What are some of the things that will cause toes like this. I have no idea how old he is, or any of his history. I do know that his feet have gotten better it seems. When I picked him up, someone had let them all out to free range the property.. They were in cages prior to that. I thought maybe because he was in a small cage, and couldnt move around. Not sure. I would love to hear what others think though.


I think you are on to someting. If they do not beign to perch at a young age, when their toes are growing really fast, instead of curving under like they are supposed to, they will curl around, like this. I bet that's it.
The toes are like that either because of genetics or incubation issues when he hatched. I doubt it's because of the cage--that usually makes the outer toes turn outward, called "buckle toe", but anything's possible. He may pass them on to his chicks if they're genetic. He's an Easter Egger rooster. Gotta love a sweet rooster!
Those brown feathers look like a mane on a lion. Very nice of you to rescue him. You might want to try a solid type floor instead of wire to help him get about. When I was a young chicken person I had several chickens with feet like this who did much better on a wood floor or a dirt floor. And they seemed to prefer flat perches instead of round ones. He's a handsome fella!

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