finally got the camera of my flock after 18 weeks!

by the way can anyone comment on whether they think the new rooster and girls that i picked up ( for free!) are ameraucanas as the lady claims or EEs? I contacted the breeder that she got them from who promises me that they are ameraucanas from private stock. I will post a couple more pics of them. The sorta duckwing colour rooster is one of them and I will post pics of the girls:

Here is one of them:


Here is the other:


Here is another angle of the roo:
I love your RIR roo. It makes me sad to know that my baby Sgt. Major Bok Bok would be lookin like your roo by now. He was killed by a snake at 5 weeks old.

You've got a great flock there!
thanks sorry bout your roo...i can send you one of the buff laced roos if you only keeping one of the baby roos we hatched. Your huge roo is pretty darn impressive too!
It just makes me sad because my baby roo was a RIR.
I was so excited thinking I would one day hear that baby crow. I got my new roo on craigslist. I got him for flock protection and I didn't like his attitude to much when I first got him. But now I'm starting to love him, no I DO love him . He's a good roo and is somewhat sweet to me, when I'm not trying to touch HIS girls.
our new roo the ameraucana is the same way...nice bird but we have raised the fuzzinator from 1 day old and so he is way more friendly and lets us pet him and pick him up ( well he is not so keen on being picked up now that he has discovered the ladies!LOL) whereas the other rooster whilst beautiful and gentle with the girls is pretty standoffish. What do you think of the ameraucana/ee birds?
Aran, i think they might be real. There is a ameraucana club site that has pics of the colors. I used it to see if any of mine were 'real' LOL. Mine are not. you remember posting pics of your coop and i said i was going to post mine when it was done? I did! Your gonna love it.

here are a few more....the only problem so far is that the silkies are small enough to fit through the chainlink holes.
We took care of it and now ours looks like alkatraz too. I took the pics before we got too carried away with "the fix"


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No, we only have 3/4 acre. If i had more i wouldn't need so much fence
We are in the outskirts of a small town. You ever been to yankee candle? Its the next town over.
nope i havent really travelled around USA yet..just been to Rochester, (both of them ), Philly, Pittsburg, Wheeling WV, up to the niagara falls, up through bits of Canada by the border, into Michigan...thats about it so far.

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