Recent content by BuffaloridaGirl

  1. BuffaloridaGirl

    What breeds of turkeys do you guys have????

    I just got a turkey myself! First time! Here is a pic
  2. BuffaloridaGirl

    SCALPED Chick

    I am on my 5th group of raising baby chicks, and last night I think a critter tried to eat a chick through the cage!!! I don't think this looks like pecking-- but I haven't ever experienced that either. This morning was when I found it like this. My dog woke me up freaking out about something...
  3. BuffaloridaGirl

    How many Eggs did you Sell today?

    Hi! Which Bay Area? Tampa? Green? San Fran?
  4. BuffaloridaGirl

    Frontline ???

    Just read all the posts in this feed. Some asked which frontline is best? I am in FL, noticed sticktight fleas on my big layers and now my "teenager" chicks also my bunny on his nose. I bought Frontline Plus for the smallest breed dogs and put a drop on the head of each bird near the comb...
  5. BuffaloridaGirl

    Easter Egger Sexing "tips and tricks" *Pictures Included*

    They were from Rural King. I can't recall if it said straight run... good thing I bought three
  6. BuffaloridaGirl

    Easter Egger Sexing "tips and tricks" *Pictures Included*

    Bought three "Ameraucaunas" (EEs) and I think I only have one pullet
  7. BuffaloridaGirl

    Araucana laying brown eggs???

    Gorgeous bird!!! Never seen one that dark before!! I am feeling the itch to get some fall babies, I need some more EEs. I have one that lays brown and one lays the bluish green.
  8. BuffaloridaGirl

    Flock integration woes.

    I have a similar situation. In all reality I may have three sub flocks that have now become two. My first (March '15) pair stuck to themselves when I integrated another pair (Sept '15). In January I got 5 new chicks which have grown to be adolescents now. Back in January the September two...
  9. BuffaloridaGirl

    Florida Toad problems

    Thanks! We are past the hour mark now, she's acting normal as is everyone else. New insights are welcome too!!! Keep it coming bc there isn't much info on the subject on BYC!
  10. BuffaloridaGirl

    UPCOMING FLORIDA Swaps/Sales/Shows/Events/Fairs - GEORGIA too

    Does anyone in Florida have insight to if my chickens will be harmed by pecking the poisonous Bufo/Cane toad??? My dog got one last night and amazingly recovered once I rinsed his mouth that had started foaming! Now my chicken pecked one to death and I grabbed it and threw it out!!
  11. BuffaloridaGirl

    FLORIDA - Please list your City here That Allows Chickens!

    I think it is safe to say yes they allow chickens. Citrus county is mainly rural and there are many farm/poultry swaps nearby. ALSO to all my Florida peeps: I have had issues with poisonous toads-- private message me if you have any experience or insight!!!!!! PLEASE!!!
  12. BuffaloridaGirl

    Florida Toad problems

    I live north of Tampa FL in a small suburb by the Cotee river. Some recent rain has made it prime location for the poisonous Bufo toad. I've lived in FL for 11 years and had never heard of this pest before. My dog bite it and killed it, and IMMEDIATELY started foaming up at the mouth...
  13. BuffaloridaGirl

    Sexing Barred Rocks

    Although this doesn't show the feet, you can see how faint the barring is on the Cuckoo Maran on the right vs more detailed barring on the BR on the left.
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