Recent content by Chicken Godiva

  1. Chicken Godiva

    Frizzle thread

    I have 2 separate hatches of Blue Ameraucana x Polish frizzles and I was wondering at what age can you tell if they are frizzle? These chicks are 6 days old and I think I have 2 females and 1 male.
  2. Chicken Godiva

    Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

    We used to live in Vernon on Artesian Ave, 1 mile west of Hwy 164 17 years ago.
  3. Chicken Godiva

    Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

    Thanks Celtic Chick. Howdy neighbor, I do live in the town of Mukwonago.
  4. Chicken Godiva

    Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

    Thanks! The hatching bug came early this year
  5. Chicken Godiva

    Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

    I am so excited, 2 of my 4 eggs just hatched. Fingers crossed that they are EE frizzles!
  6. Chicken Godiva

    Cream Legbars

    I don't know why this didn't follow the thread I was commenting on. Oh well, wish me luck. I have 4 legbar eggs on lockdown and hopefully will surprise me a day early and be my Mother's Day present. Happy Mother's Day to all of you ladies out there!
  7. Chicken Godiva

    Cream Legbars

    I am so glad we do not live in a liberal state like NY that over regulates everything. Unfortunately some are moving from big cities to the Midwest and trying to bring their strict Gov't lifestyle with them. I am of the opinion that smaller efficient Gov't beats Large inefficient Gov't any day...
  8. Chicken Godiva

    Breed Recommendations for a newbie

    I have 4 Orpies and 2 Barred Rocks that are laying as of a month ago. My Orpies lay almost every day and have the sweetest personalities. My Barred Rocks are more skittish and so far don't lay as often. I am hoping that will change soon. I did also get 3 Wyandottes but they all ended up being...
  9. Default


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