Recent content by chloe oxman

  1. chloe oxman

    Sex and breed on my little chickens?

    black one was hatched around late September. She is about 4-5 weeks older then the silkie.
  2. chloe oxman

    Sex and breed on my little chickens?

    #1 Bought this chicken really young. Was told it was a lavender silkie or something. I wouldn't have a clue. Just getting into the chicken stuff now, so I'm still learning what's what. I have no idea if it's a girl or boy. With my luck it will be a boy. Has some blue patch thing on the sides of...
  3. chloe oxman

    Chicken panting

    I have noticed that my 3 month old chicken has been panting sometimes. She does it when she is out running around but she does it at night too when she is in her bed. I thought it might be because she was hot, so I put on the air con for her. It was pretty hot some of those days. I held a water...
  4. chloe oxman

    Baby Chick Pictures!!!!! POST!

    My new baby named Bubba.
  5. chloe oxman

    What breed is my chicken?

    Yeah I have no idea. Haha. I'll just say it's a black chicken. Not going in shows or anything so I guess it doesn't really matter. :)
  6. chloe oxman

    What breed is my chicken?

    Just took it back out to the farm where I got it from. Is was told that it is definetly a girl. I looked at all her siblings and their all roosters. She looks nothing like them. So happy it's a girl. Now I can keep her here. I put her with her brothers to see if she liked it better there but she...
  7. chloe oxman

    What breed is my chicken?

    I have a 6 weeks old chicken that I hatched. Was told he/she was a road island leghorn or something. I don't know if that is right but that's what I was told. What do you think it is? Also, I don't know if you can tell from the pictures but do you think it's a male or female?? Thanks a heap...
  8. chloe oxman

    people with house chickens

    I have a 5 week old chicken that lives inside with me. I don't know if it's a he or a she but for the sake of this ill call it a she. She has naps in my bed. She knows not to go on the covers, so she sleeps on her own special blanket but if I sleep in she will sneak over and stand on my head...
  9. chloe oxman

    Weird lump around breast area?????

    Sounds like the crop. But just keep an eye on it. You don't want to rule it out right away just incase it's not. The crop should empty over night so check the lump before it feeds in the morning to see if it is empty or not. If it's not empty it still could be the crop but it could be impacted...
  10. chloe oxman

    Chicken "in your face" pictures!!

    I'm pretty sure he/she is a Road Island Leghorn. I could be wrong but I think that's what I was told. Haha.
  11. chloe oxman

    Baby chicken can't walk and isn't growing!!

    Thanks for your kind words everyone. Sure made my day a little brighter. Jenny has not left my side all day. She even had a nap in my bed with me this afternoon. She cries her heart out if I go out of sight for just a second. She follows me around the house and even had to sit in while I had a...
  12. chloe oxman

    Baby chicken can't walk and isn't growing!!

    I regret to inform everyone that Forrest passed away peacefully in his sleep in the early morning. He was a fighter but he just couldn't do anymore. His best friend was by his side when he passed. Thanks for all your help. Without your help he would of suffered more so thank you. His best...
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