Recent content by Cochinlover104

  1. Cochinlover104

    Polish pullet has trouble seeing

    This spring I ended up with 3 random chicks from a neighbor making some bad purchasing decisions at a farm supply store and 1 of them is a polish pullet. I was pretty excited because I have never raised a Polish before. That being said, do they all seem a bit disoriented like they can't see very...
  2. Cochinlover104

    3 month old roo limping

    I have a 3 mo old roo that I rescued as a day old chick from someone who found him out in their horse field. They didn't know what kind of chickens they had >.< so I've got no clue about that. Bantam cross of some sort. Anyways he's been a happy healthy chick until recently he's started limping...
  3. Cochinlover104

    What to do for the only baby chick who survived the trip through the mails?

    My singleton chick is still alone, but hes doing very well! he plays with his mirror and sits atop the stuffed beanie baby monkey's head. I say he only because the chick has an attitude like a rooster and since it was hatched at home I have no idea. Still no luck finding a companion baby chick...
  4. Cochinlover104

    What to do for the only baby chick who survived the trip through the mails?

    I'm in a similar situation. This little guy was the only one to hatch and the momma hen left the nest when he fell out. So i'm raising it. Anything you've run into other than stuffed animals that would be helpful?
  5. Cochinlover104

    HELP! Ive got a single chick!

    I went everywhere that had chicks this spring and they all told me I couldn't get young chicks anymore because the season was over. I live in a small area, closest mall is 100+ miles ya know? I drove 5 hours, over a mountain pass, to even find cochins last year. The hen left the nest on her...
  6. Cochinlover104

    HELP! Ive got a single chick!

    Ok, here's the deal. One of my broody cochins hatched 1 chick and the left the nest and the chick ended up stuck behind a hay bale. I found it about 20 mins she left I would say because the eggs were warm still and the chick is fine. I put it in the nursery I have and put momma hen in there with...
  7. Cochinlover104

    Random Eggs smell like fish when cooking!

    I've heard some about soy in the feed as well. I've heard of ways to maybe neutralize the smell by feeding certain things? I heard parsley maybe? anyone have any ideas as far as this goes maybe since it seems to be random in my hens and I can't find a feed that works.
  8. Cochinlover104

    Random Eggs smell like fish when cooking!

    Ive read added omega-3 to their food, fish meal, and flax seed can do this. I don't see flax listed nor anything else from that short list. Ive also seen articles that imply certain breeds of chickens are more suseptible to the fishy smell, just not sure which breeds they were referring too...
  9. Cochinlover104

    Random Eggs smell like fish when cooking!

    Its not just from me, but with people I've given eggs to as well. Ive read numerous people having this problem and would like to know if/how to solve it. At first when my boyfriend told me the eggs I gave him smelled AND tasted like fish I thought he was just dillusional, and it can't be the pan...
  10. Cochinlover104

    Random Eggs smell like fish when cooking!

    I've been scouring the internet trying to find information on WHY my eggs smell like fish when cooking! Ive had buff orpington hens for the past 4 years and last spring added 5 standard cochins and 3 black jersey giants. Suddenly this spring I now have eggs that smell like fish when cooking...
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