Recent content by countrygoddess

  1. countrygoddess

    The Welsummer Thread!!!!

    Thank you, Microchick! She's just so much more mahogany than the others and doesn't have the same barring on her wings. I bet after they've had their first moult, I won't be able to tell her from the others.
  2. countrygoddess

    The Welsummer Thread!!!!

    I bought three Welsummer pullets at a feed store and I have a question about their coloring. I've hatched and raised a handful of Welsummers in the past so I'm familiar with their coloring, but I have one now that looks different to me and I'm just wondering if the coloring and wing feather...
  3. countrygoddess

    Enlarged breast

    Definitely full crops. =) When little chicks have full crops, it's the funniest sight--like gigantic tumors sticking way out so much that their skin shows through their fuzz.
  4. countrygoddess

    My first EGG!!!! Who laid it?

    I had two Ameraucanas, one that lays blue eggs and one that lays eggs that more greenish. Like the mint green you said yours are. She definitely wasn't an EE--she was pure Ameraucana. I needed to thin my flock a little so I gave her away but kept the one that lays blue eggs. She's a lavender...
  5. countrygoddess

    The Appearance of the Short Lived Split-Second first Squat!

    That first squat is so exciting, isn't it?? (try telling that to a non-chicken person and watch them look at you like you are nuts. LOL) Just today, I tried to catch one of my 5 or 6-mo old (I can't tell them apart anymore!) pullets, and as I grabbed at her tail, she totally squatted and put...
  6. countrygoddess

    wormer for 9 chickens

    I use pelletized wormers that you mix in with their food. Usually, you just mix it in once, then over the course of however long it takes them to finish that feeder of food, they've been sufficiently wormed. Some wormers have an egg withdrawal time and some don't. Just today I used Strike III...
  7. countrygoddess

    My first EGG!!!! Who laid it?

    What kind of chickens are they? And what color is that egg? It looks white when the picture is small, but maybe kind of green-tinted when I click on the picture to blow it up...
  8. countrygoddess

    Enlarged breast

    On their left side or on the left when you look at them straight on? If it's on their right side and your left when you look at them straight on, then it's most like a full crop. If you squish them a little, do they feel a little gritty, like a bean bag chair? If they really are on their left...
  9. countrygoddess

    B.Y.C. Dorking Club!

    Two years ago I tried breeding my first flock of SG Dorkings (from MMcM) and it was a disaster. Out of the 3 dozen eggs I set, only 2 hatched. No, not two dozen. TWO. those two birds were not breedable. They were scrawny and nowhere near the standard. So last year I made it my mission to...
  10. countrygoddess

    Turkeys Stomping

    I just now saw my Chocolate tom do this for the first time and came here to get answers. He was outside our bedroom window, strutting and puffing air out his mouth and vibrating his feathers at me. Then his posture changed. At first I wondered what was wrong with him, why was he all...
  11. countrygoddess

    Can respiratory problems run their course?

    Here's my experience with infectious bronchitis. My birds came down with IB at the tail end of winter. I think I inadvertently brought it into the house when I used a new kind of bedding which is shredded hay and straw mixed with PDZ. That's the only thing I can think of since the ground was...
  12. countrygoddess

    Nutrena Feather Fixer

    Does anyone have a bag and can take a picture of the list of ingredients or can list them? I'm curious what's in this stuff. Probably soy, which I avoid, but just curious all the same. Thanks!
  13. countrygoddess

    Help! I think I got 3 turkey poults by mistake!

    Fish meal has 60-70% protein, Diamond V has 15%, and meal worms have 57%.
  14. countrygoddess

    Help! I think I got 3 turkey poults by mistake!

    Yeah, you could do that, too. I didn't because we don't do soy at all. Won't consume it, won't support it.
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