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  • Yes, its very humid! :( Trying to keep the chickens cool.I really hope the eggs hatch! You just got 5 chicks and 2 keets today? Awesome! I'm jealous! What breeds are the chicks? I have been reading about geese and now I want a few! :) Do you mind PMing me a picture or two of your new babies? If you have any pictures yet :)
    Hey Duckgirl! How are you today? I candled a few of my silkies eggs yesterday. I threw one out, it was infertile. I didn't candle them all yesterday. But another one also looked infertile. I didn't throw it out though. I will candle again tomorrow and throw out any that aren't fertile (I'm scared it'll be all of them :eek:) Still crossing my fingers.
    Yes, its the silkie in my avatar. I really hope they hatch too! Besides, if they do hatch I'm not expecting more than 3 or 4 and I have room for 4 or 5 more chickens in my 2 coops so I have just enough room! Here are the things I need:
    1. Rabbit cage
    2. Maybe a run to keep them in during the day (I might free range them)
    3. Chick feeder
    4. Chick feed
    And thats all! :)
    I've still got the other 9 eggs though. I'm going to candle them Friday, when their a week old. I'm so nervous! :) I tried hatching under a broody hen once. It was my other silkie. She had 4 eggs, none of them hatched though :(
    It was the silkie egg that was broken :( :( But I don't think there's much of a chance my silkie will have fertile eggs. My rooster never gets around to her :)
    My silkie hen only has 9 eggs left. Yesterday I found the silkie egg broken :(
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