Recent content by edmcm2000

  1. edmcm2000

    crazy feed prices.

    Went to the local feed supply house today for some "start and Grow" crumbles for my seven 4 month old chickens. Last month the price was around $10.00 for 50 lbs, today it was 18 something. They said their cost went up. OK, so I bought layer crumbles instead at 12.00. Any problem with layer...
  2. edmcm2000

    An EE, Easter Egger, exactly what is that??

    I have 7 EE's, but that isn't an actual breed of chicken, is it? Some kind of cross breed? Thanks, Ed
  3. edmcm2000

    Is it an Ameracauna???

    This is a rooster that I got about 4 months ago as an ameracauna hen. OK, It's not a hen, but is it an Ameracauna? He's a beauty! Edmcm
  4. edmcm2000

    Cross-bill, top beak, bottom beak, and new middle beak

    My little 3 month old Amercauna looked normal as a chick, slowly developing a severe offset lower beak and a severe hooked top beak. Her lower beak has now become pretty much tubular shaped. She can't eat anything except crumbles, can't pick up scratch, treats, etc. But, now she is developing...
  5. edmcm2000

    Crossbeak: Top beak, bottom beak, and now a middle beak!!!

    My little 3 month old Amercauna looked normal as a chick, slowly developing a severe offset lower beak and a severe hooked top beak. Her lower beak has now become pretty much tubular shaped. She can't eat anything except crumbles, can't pick up scratch, treats, etc. But, now she is developing...
  6. edmcm2000

    When will Spurs be evident if my "hen" is a rooster?

    At what age will spurs show on an EE - I hope not on this one. Thanks
  7. edmcm2000

    Interested in getting chickens in AZ

    Hi from Wickenburg, AZ. We got our chickens in March and have been enjoying them ever since. Kept us busy for a while tho building their permanent home, etc. We usually let them out of their pen every evening and sit out with them while they entertain us. Have fun, Ed
  8. edmcm2000

    DE dirt bath? Did we buy the right brand/kind?

    Food grade DE is a very white powder, (as is swimming pool filter DE.) I don't know what the brown would be. Ed
  9. edmcm2000

    Hey all!

    Hi, We have 7 10 week old easter eggers, coop is an 8x8 wooden shed with an attached 8x10 run. run is enclosed with 1/4 inch hardware cloth mesh, including the top, and also goes underground and fans out about 15 inches underground from the sides of the run. Have human size door in the coop...
  10. edmcm2000

    i need ideas for a homemade waterer

    I don't have any pictures yet, but I've just completed an automatic waterer as follows: Got an scrapped 80 gallon water well pressure tank for free from a well service outfit, the rubber bladder inside the tank was ruptured, as they all seem to do eventually. This one wasn't built in a manner...
  11. edmcm2000

    Chicken saddle makers, please Help!

    OK, So what the heck are saddles for??? Ed
  12. edmcm2000

    My chicken is smarter than your chicken!

    My neighbor claims that several years ago he actually read an article in some farm publication about an IQ test for chickens! Anyone ever heard of that? And, it's true, what if my chicken has a higher IQ than me???? Ed
  13. edmcm2000

    Flock looking a little rough!

    Sorry about this, but 3 square feet per chicken, (not 3 feet square) with 15 chickens, would equal 45 square feet, a 6 foot by 8 foot coop would give you 48 square feet. 30 by 30 would be 900 square feet, enough for 300 chickens. I think this is right, No? Ed
  14. edmcm2000

    feed questio, what is what???

    So, I've heard of chick starter, mash, start and grow, scratch, crumbles, layer feed, and probably others. Can someone clarify just what is available and what they all are all about? Thanks, Edmcm (7 EE's, one with serious crossed beak, about 6 weeks old)
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