Recent content by equusvilla

  1. equusvilla

    Lockdown and Humidity? HELP!

    I have a wet wash cloth in mine and because there are little holes in the incubator lid, I shoot hot water with a syringe onto the clothes which immediately raises the humidity. Warning though - if the water is really hot .. or you are shooting a lot in there it will also raise the temp. I...
  2. equusvilla

    FEBRUARY Hatch-A-Long, come join in!!

    I bought 12+ (received 18) Columbian Rock eggs. Very excited since there seems to be NONE in the State of Texas. Anyway - received the 18 eggs on the 21st of Jan. Put them in the incubator on the 22nd and they are due on the 12of of Feb. I candled them all for the first time last night and I...
  3. equusvilla

    Oh no storm coming and eggs in bator

    Ohh - that hand warmer idea is a good one for a short haul.. I have a bunch of those in my tack trunk!
  4. equusvilla

    FEBRUARY Hatch-A-Long, come join in!!

    Yeah - my shipment of 12+ eggs made it to the I will set them tonight and put them in the incubator tomorrow night!!
  5. equusvilla

    FEBRUARY Hatch-A-Long, come join in!!

    I am waiting for a shipment of 12+ Columbian Rock eggs to arrive so I can set them. First for me - so we shall see what happens. If I get 3 pullet's I will be thrilled. More when the eggs arrive and I have a hatch date.
  6. equusvilla

    Bluebonnet Classic- College Station TX-2011

    I went to this show with one of my best friends. It was the first show for both of us. We had a blast talking to lots of people who were so gracious to answer our questions with such detail! I got to meet WyandotteTX in person...and maybe others - but he was the only one who identified...
  7. equusvilla

    Color chart??

    "The real thing I find people get confused with are Delawares vs Columbian Rocks. Both have yellow legs, both look the same, but Delawares are barred Columbian, making the black tips barred/speckled, not straight black...." Oh good grief.. I am never going to get it all straightened out and...
  8. equusvilla

    Color chart??

    Is there a chart with pictures of, labels and descriptions of the different colorings for each type of chicken?? IE - coloring of a light Sussex looks a whole lot like the Columbian Rock.... which can drive a newby (like me) NUTS!
  9. equusvilla

    Check out this FANCY coop

    One time I posted a link to a beautiful coop.. and I mean BEAUTIFUL. People started to make really hateful remarks about it being too nice for chickens - which btw were this ladies pets. This woman was a frequent reader of this forum and she really got her feelings hurt. I personally wrote...
  10. equusvilla

    Windmill to power a coop fan - off the grid??

    I started to plant trees already.. but they will be little help for this summer... and the bushes in the run are a great idea. As for 'reconstructing' the coop - I like those ideas.. will just have to figure out what works best .. I am very picky about the way this looks as you can see our...
  11. equusvilla

    Windmill to power a coop fan - off the grid?? Here is one.. but the $270.00 price tag is brutal... Would also have to put a cage over the fan blades ... or we might be eatting lots of chicken for dinner!
  12. equusvilla

    Windmill to power a coop fan - off the grid??

    ... also - we have a shade cloth on order for the top fo the run.
  13. equusvilla

    Windmill to power a coop fan - off the grid??

    I do understand what you are saying.. lets just say that now that the coop is all done... I really wish the windows were larger. I am trying to compensate for an error in construction. We are on the top of a hill and at the highest point for miles around.. so we do get a constant breeze.. and...
  14. equusvilla

    Windmill to power a coop fan - off the grid??

    My coop does not have any electricity - since we live in South Texas I am more worried about the Summer heat than anything Winter will throw at us.. so do you think it would be possible to take one of those ornamental windmills and use a pully to power a covered fan inside the coop. It would...
  15. equusvilla

    Chicken shows in Texas 2011

    Is there and address for the Louis Pearce Pavilion?.. ie - something I could put into my GPS?
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