Recent content by FountainFlock

  1. FountainFlock

    Dirty bottoms, mean birds and when to reduce flock

    Hmmn, hadn't thought of just closing in the entire structure. It's actually a good and idea and we have enough space to make more enclosed run. I'll have to see if my husband is up for a project. The four that we want to keep are all pretty evenly matched, but I think one of our EE would...
  2. FountainFlock

    Dirty bottoms, mean birds and when to reduce flock

    This is a photo from March. The pecking behavior started over the summer.
  3. FountainFlock

    Dirty bottoms, mean birds and when to reduce flock

    Thanks! We are in Northern Colorado and I added that to my profile. I will try a couple days of no extras. It's supposed to warm back up to normal fall temps next week so I'll plan on feather trimming and bottom clean up then.
  4. FountainFlock

    Dirty bottoms, mean birds and when to reduce flock

    Our coop is 6' x 6' inside with two roost bars, it's attached to a 6'x14' enclosed outdoor run. Then they have about 1500 sq feet of outdoor uncovered run space as well. We let them out to the uncovered space every day from morning to dusk. Over the summer we leave the pop door open and some...
  5. FountainFlock

    Dirty bottoms, mean birds and when to reduce flock

    Hello all, We have a flock of ten, 5 breeds, all about 1 1/2 years old. For a while now our two alpha hens have been pecking to the point of leaving some of the others with large bald spots. One has no feathers on her head, another none on her back, two others are bare at their shoulders. This...
  6. FountainFlock

    Culling a broody dud chicken?

    Help me decided what to do! We have ten chickens. One of our black australorps is a dud. She's always been aloof from the flock. She's 15 months old and has only laid around a dozen eggs. When she does lay her eggs are wonky - either torpedo style or super tiny pullet sized. For the last...
  7. FountainFlock

    A contest for the duds!

    Here are my offenders... Iris, the bossy Australorp. She likes to peck at my legs to get me to pick her up. Harlee is behind her. Hedwig.
  8. FountainFlock

    A contest for the duds!

    Your australorp looks just like mine. I'll post my pictures in a little bit.
  9. FountainFlock

    A contest for the duds!

    Okay, Ill play. We have two Lavender Orpingtons, Hedwig and Harlee. Purchased June 24th and told they were 7 weeks, so should be around 26 weeks now. Then we have Iris, a 32 week Black Australorp, she laid 3 eggs in September then stopped. Nothing medically wrong with her. She's bossy...
  10. FountainFlock

    Can you tell a bad egg layer in the first year?

    This is our first year having chickens. We have a flock of ten, with five breeds. All of our birds were feed store chicks, so while they have the usual characteristics of their breeds they are obviously not prime specimens. We have the chickens for the eggs but also just for the desire to be...
  11. FountainFlock

    First Egg Stories?

    We got our first egg this morning! This is our first time keeping chickens. We brought our first girls home as chicks on March 19. Two Red Sex Links and two Black Australorps. Since then we've added a Welsummer, an Ameraucana/Easter Egger and two Blue Copper Marans and two Lavender Orpingtons...
  12. FountainFlock

    Sponsored Post Fan survey: 5 Reasons To Raise Backyard Chickens

    We're just starting out but all five rang true. Our girls are not laying yet, but we have been getting our eggs from another backyard flock so we know that quality is lightyears better than store bought. And the chicken tv and backyard therapy has already been amazing. Love those chicken...
  13. FountainFlock

    Which is which?

    We've kinda figured that might be the case at least for one because they don't look like any of the chicks on the ABC site.
  14. FountainFlock

    Which is which?

    Here's another shot. The one on the left has the mohawk while other does not.
  15. FountainFlock

    Which is which?

    This is our first year raising chicks. We currently have six. We started with two Black Australorp and two Red Sex-Link. Then we went to our local feed store and requested two Ameraucana and one Welsummer. One of the supposed Ameraucana didn't make it but the other two are doing great. But...
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