Recent content by GreenmansHearth

  1. GreenmansHearth

    Hello from my Nova Scotia homestead.

    Great to see other Nova Scotians here! Good luck with your winter projects and hope to see you posting about your flock! Shawn
  2. GreenmansHearth

    Chantecler Thread: Buff, Patridge, White, Red and any rare colors!

    Quote: Oh thats trouble! I feel your pain. I have one White Chantecler Roo that jumps on the back of bog turkeys to peck their head and neck. His name has become "Christmas Chicken Pot Pie", but I call him all sorts of colourful things when I am in the yeard with him. I should through in...
  3. GreenmansHearth

    B.Y.C. Dorking Club!

    Awesome little chicks! I am jealous that some people have the weather or conditions to have eggs hatching at this time of year. Quote: One group came to me from Quebec, and the other from a person here in Nova Scotia. The Quebec eggs were a bit of a bonus, as I was looking for Chantecler...
  4. GreenmansHearth

    B.Y.C. Dorking Club!

    I am extremely fotunate being from Nova Scotia and having 2 unrelated Silver Grey Trios. I am hoping the winter is mild and short and the incubator full of eggs in the spring. Possibly helping a few other small flocks of Dorkings get established in Atlantic Canada. My biggest issue is that I...
  5. GreenmansHearth

    Mystery Chick's

    Dang, thanks very much, but....... now I am confused, I will have to post a pic of the one I THOUGHT was a WJG. It does not look like the 2 above.
  6. GreenmansHearth

    chicken nipple installment question

    I just ordered 30 nipples from CCOnly, glad to hear you are happy with their service.
  7. GreenmansHearth

    Mystery Chick's

    I had a variety of eggs in my incubator. White and Black Jersey Giants White and Partridge Chanteclers Australorps Ameraucanas Silver Grey Dorkings So, I think I know that I had 1 White Giant, 1 White Chantecler, 1 Ameraucana, 3 Dorkings, and these two little puff balls. Any ideas? Thanks...
  8. GreenmansHearth

    Chantecler Thread: Buff, Patridge, White, Red and any rare colors!

    Unfortunately from my 4 Chantecler and 3 Partridge Chantecler Eggs, only 3 Chantecler's and 1 Partridge Chantecler has survived to day 10 in the incubator. Hopefully that's the end of the losses and all goes well from here. All 8 of the chicks are doing great and growing like weeds.
  9. GreenmansHearth

    Looking for good Canadian hatcheries

    Performance Poultry - Ontario DH Heritage Poultry - Quebec Two I know of.
  10. GreenmansHearth

    Was given a dozen fertilized Buff Orpington... Now what?!

    I am no expert, but I have been told the hatch rate goes down after about 7 days from lay if you don't get them into incubation. Good luck!
  11. GreenmansHearth

    Chantecler Thread: Buff, Patridge, White, Red and any rare colors!

    I just picked up 8 Chanteclers about a week old. Hopefully they with the eggs in my incubator will be the start of a healthy happy flock Of course as you can see there are several types of eggs in there, but I am hoping that with a good hatch rate I can trade a few of them with...
  12. GreenmansHearth

    B.Y.C. Dorking Club!

    I don't have any Dorkings yet, but I do have 6 Silver Grey Eggs in the incubator right now. Hopefully I have a high hatch rate so I can start my little flock.
  13. GreenmansHearth

    The EE braggers thread!!!

    What breeds lay a pink egg? I Have heard of Green, Blue, White & Brown. Punk would be awesome to see.
  14. GreenmansHearth

    how to edit signature???

    So if I post more, like on this thread to get a higher post count my Sig option will eventually appear? No problem
  15. GreenmansHearth

    Ringneck Doves Make Great Pets

    Where do you get Ringneck Doves? I have never heard of anyone selling them. We have lots of wild doves though.
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