Recent content by love2sail

  1. love2sail

    When do they start laying?

    Hey REDFEATHERS I lived in Oregon for 15 years...Portland. I love it there. Whats a vent check? Is that like pasty butt? I think they're healthy, I just want eggs soon. Some have red combs and wattles and some don't. The Domniques don't have combs, the Americanas do, and the Austrolop has a...
  2. love2sail

    When do they start laying?

    Post script: I just cleaned out the coop! Yucky job!We tried hay... big mistake, now we've gone back to pine shavingings. Hopefully the girls are happy now and will give me EGGS!!!!!
  3. love2sail

    When do they start laying?

    Hi all... I have 6 hens (I think one might be a rooster) that i got last April so they're a year old now, we got eggs last summer and fall then they stopped laying over the winter. Now I'm wondering when they'll start laying again. it's warm here, days 70 fareinghieght, nights 40F. When will my...
  4. love2sail

    Winter ventilation in coop

    Hi, Yet another question about winter. I read a lot of the past posts regarding winter preparations and a few mentioned proper ventilation but didn't really define 'proper ventilation'. My coop is 4x8 and aside from the windows on each end there is a gap under the eave where the roof meets the...
  5. love2sail

    Eggs taste funny/bad??

    Quote: Good one!! Very funny!!
  6. love2sail

    chicken coops?

    Ours was about $300. That was purchasing everythhing new at Lowes. I'm sure we could have found materials cheaper or even free if we looked around a little but were pressed for time and the chicks needed to get out of the cardboard box they were living in LOL. We did find the used tin roofing...
  7. love2sail

    Eggs taste funny/bad??

    Hello, I had three eggs for breakfast this morning and one of them tasted really bad, it tasted like the chicken coop smells... like poop! Is this a sign that it's time to clean the coop? Also, my chickens must be democrats, they keep saying the same thing over and over again... BARAAAAACK!! LOL
  8. love2sail

    Chicken pecking eggs??

    Thanks, that does help even though it's not encouraging. Sounds like it could be a problem, at least I know which one was doing it. And come to think of it I don't think it was her own egg she was eating, it was a brown egg and she is an Americauna, her eggs should be green/blue right? I don't...
  9. love2sail

    21 weeks and NO eggs yet.

    Quote: OMG that is a huge egg! Our first eggs were tiny (they are still small but they're getting bigger) maybe that's what took so long she was growing a whooper!! LOL Any idea which one laid it?
  10. love2sail

    Pecking hard...

    I was just wondering if your fingernails might be painted red or pink? My niece had red toe nails and fingernails and could hardly go in the coop without the girls practically attacking her fingers and toes. I recall reading somewhere that they are attracted to the color red. Apparantly its...
  11. love2sail

    Chicken pecking eggs??

    Hello, Recently our girls starting laying YAY! (they turned 20 weeks 8/19) we have 6- 2 dominiques, 3 Americaunas, 1- black Australop. Anyway, I don't think all of them are laying yet we're getting about 2-3 eggs a day. Today there were two eggs, one in two different nesting boxes and there...
  12. love2sail

    Can we eat the first eggs?

    Thanks for the warm welcome! And glad to know they're ok to eat. I don't know why I thought they might not be ok to eat, just thought they may need to clean the new pipes out first or something. Thanks for the input!
  13. love2sail

    Can we eat the first eggs?

    Hi all, I have been lurking around the forum for months now learning valuable stuff on raising chickens. We got 6 chicks back in March and they are now 20 weeks old (today exactly) and we got our first egg today, pretty exciting!! My question is... can we eat the first eggs? It is fairly small...
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