Recent content by maizey

  1. maizey

    Will this work like I hope it will?

    I've had chickens for a few years now and I've recently been contemplating either adding to or replacing the chickens with ducks. I have a smallish backyard and keep the chickens in a chicken tractor. We live in a neighborhood with a nice sized lake that we live right next to.. My question...
  2. maizey

    cutest chicken names!

    Elizabeth Arden Sofia Loren Vera Bradley Mercedes Jewels Chardonnay Manolo Blahnik To remind my husband what I could be bringing home all the time instead of chickens ;)
  3. maizey

    Broody hen hatched some chicks. Now what?

    Me too. I'm planning on letting her do all the dirty work, au natural. I know I've got to keep the chicks out of the layer feed and the other hens out of medicated chick starter, so I've got to do some rearranging..but other than that, I don't think she needs my help much. Interested in...
  4. maizey

    Two broody clutches @ same time??

    I put some hatching eggs under a broody hen, just 5. 3 hatched yesterday morning, the very night before, I had a predator attack and lost my two favorites, of course. It just so happens that I had a second hen go broody a week or so ago, and she's not sitting on anything that will ever hatch...
  5. maizey

    "Antique" incubator gqf 800

    I was given a gqf model 800 cabinet incubator. It needs cleaning, but seems to be in working order. I haven't been able to find any info about it online, anyone have any experience with this dinosaur? It was free, so I'm determined to give it a go! Additionally, is there a substitute for...
  6. maizey

    Livestock guardian dogs in the deep south?

    Hmmm, guess I need to get out much do those dogs generally cost and does anyone know of a southern source? Other breeds folks use in the south?
  7. maizey

    Livestock guardian dogs in the deep south?

    Just out of curiosity, does anyone in Dixieland own lgd's and if so, what breed? I have NEVER laid eyes on a great pyrenees type dog in Alabama, nor seen them for sale in local adds that I peruse fairly regularly. I know follks must use dogs here as livestock guardians, but no idea what...
  8. maizey

    Rough day at our house

    I had to chuckle at the vegetarian proclamation...that ought to do it for anybody..That was definitely a rough day. We have a terrier breed as well, a schnauzer who is a terror to the local chipmunk population, catches and eats various chipmunk parts fairly regularly . He absolutely cannot...
  9. maizey

    Eggs. Keep them in the refrigerator or at room temperature?

    I have family in Ireland, and over there,they don't even refrigerate them in the stores. If you buy eggs in ireland, you buy them off the shelf at room temperature like the bread. You can also buy buttered eggs, which are room temperature, raw eggs where the shells have basically been oiled...
  10. maizey

    Introducing new chicks to ONE hen.

    I got two new babies yesterday too, which will be joining my 3 ladies in a couple of months, however, after wrangling and rigging up the brooder box, hanging the light, taking the temperature, moving the light, changing the box, taking the temperature, moving the light, tripping over the cord...
  11. maizey

    What's up with my yolks?

    I boiled a dozen for deviled eggs and as I was slicing them open, I realized that not one single egg had the yolk anywhere near the center of the egg. They were all up in the pointed end of the egg, even though i stored them pointy end up. My deviled eggs all have the cavity where the yolk...
  12. maizey

    Feeding your chickens scraps from the kitchen

    I'm with the just creeps me out to feed chicken to chickens. They are my chickens in my yard eating my leftovers and so they don't get chicken...the dog does. He's so jealous of all their kitchen scraps anyway, it seems like justice.
  13. maizey

    Can You Tell From You Eggs Which Chicken Laid Them?

    I can tell...pokeys eggs are rounder, omlettes eggs are pointier and dotties eggs are juuust right. All barred rocks.
  14. maizey

    Has this happened to anyone????

    Had the exact opposite happen..I don't have a farm (yet, still looking). One day when I was dressed in some fairly aggressive business attire I ended up with just enough time to run to the co op for some chicken feed if I hurried. I got delayed in traffic and I was pushing late so I was in...
  15. maizey

    Chigger bites! Help?!

    Well I feel violated
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