Recent content by niknchicks

  1. niknchicks

    hen with watery poo!

    one of my hens has really watery poo and she's gone really quiet. she's normally a right madam and pecks me if she's in a bad mood but this morning i sat her on my knee and she just sat there. she didn't even want a sunflower heart and she normally can't get enough of them! i have seen her...
  2. niknchicks

    Australorps breed Thread

    Hi, would i be right in thinking that this handsome boy and his girlfriend are australorps? they're my first ever chickens and i hatched them from a mixed set of donated eggs so i haven't got a clue really! thanks she does actually have a black beak but its covered in yoghurt
  3. niknchicks

    advice needed for my little reckling

    one of my 3 month old chucks is a total reckling- runt for those who don't speak Lincolnshire She eats and drinks fine, loves yoghurt and mealworm, but she can barely walk- a few steps and she does a face-plant bless her. she was never very good at walking anyway but as she's got bigger, she's...
  4. niknchicks

    poorly chick

    Wound powder's an antibacterial powder that you dust over wounds to protect against infection. You can get different ones for different animals and I've used it on everything- chickens, mice, rats, dogs, cats, horses... Its great stuff and I always make sure I have some
  5. niknchicks

    poorly chick

    I just used wound powder on it and kept her warm and really clean. I had the penicillin in case she started showing signs of being ill but luckily she never needed it. As long as she doesn't get another infection I think she'll be ok. Everyone's totally amazed that she pulled through. A very...
  6. niknchicks


  7. niknchicks

    Can i keep ducks and chickens together?

    I recently hatched chicks for the first time and I'm starting to wonder about getting a couple of ducks as well because i like to bake with duck eggs. Would i be able to keep them all together? I have 6 bantams at the minute and they'll be in a shed with a run on it when they're a bit bigger-...
  8. niknchicks


    what can I do to keep my chucks occupied apart from just foraging? Do they like mirrors and toys like other birds? They're only 4 weeks old and have loads of energy and i don't want them to get bored
  9. niknchicks

    poorly chick

    Pleased to report that my poorly chick is no longer poorly! she's doing really well and went back in with the other chicks great- a handful of feed at the same time as i put her in with them did wonders The dried up gunk fell off today and underneath looks healthy enough. i think she's going to...
  10. niknchicks

    8 mystery chicks

    I have 8 chicks that hatched from eggs donated from a farm without them giving me any information whatsoever as to breed! 7 are bantams and 1 is rather large. They're 11 days old today. Any ideas as to breed? I guess it's too early for gender. big'un first- littler ones- and...
  11. niknchicks

    Englishwoman calling!

    Hi, long-time animal lover, first-time chicken keeper and i'm already loving my chucks :) anyone from England here? I found this great site through the wonderful method of a google search and everyone's American! i'm feeling all lost and very English lol
  12. niknchicks

    poorly chick

    thanks. i'll just keep it in case. she seems to be getting a bit better
  13. niknchicks

    poorly chick

    a couple of the science teachers here have suggested that I give my chickie some of the penicillin powder that I have in stock in my lab but i'm really reluctant in case it's too strong for her. what do you think?
  14. niknchicks

    poorly chick

    thanks for the advice guys :) i'm amazed she's still alive to be honest but she's doing pretty well now. she's a cheeky little thing- keeps coming and pushing herself into my hand for some fuss! I gave her some boiled egg finely chopped last night and she's put weight on overnight so that's...
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