Recent content by redstarbill

  1. redstarbill

    added my chickens together one not doing well

    I added my chickens together 5 days ago. 4 older ones 3yrs old. and 6 younger 2yr. old. all hens. they did the usual picking and thought everything was ok, but one off the younger hens is taking a beating her head and neck are bleeding and picked at. she won't come out of the coop. put food and...
  2. redstarbill

    organic feed

    Blue seal is the brand I'm using.
  3. redstarbill

    organic feed

    I recently switched to organic feed, first 50# is done it seems my girls eat a lot less and also the egg production seems to have fallen off. would the feed have this affect? I have 3 bags left thought organic would be healthier for them and me. did I make a mistake? was feeding dumor 16%...
  4. redstarbill

    black spots on beak

    My female pekin has black spot on her beak, looks like mold or something. the male is fine. what is this? how can I get rid of it?
  5. redstarbill

    molting birds

    I swear 3 of my chickens have been molting for 8 months now. they are the ugliest looking things. it looks like feather shoots are coming in but they never fill in. what gives? all the other chickens are fine. do you think these three might be suseptable to feather picking? I never see any...
  6. redstarbill

    Does anyone here sell their eggs?

    I sell mine for $3 dozen. word of mouth.
  7. redstarbill

    New to Ducks. What breed/sex are we pics added

    look like female mallards or rouens. how big are they? can they fly?
  8. redstarbill

    favorite chicken died

    I found my favorite chicken dead today. no aparent reason why. she was 1 1/2 yr. old. good weight healthy looking, no oozing or weezing or signs of bad health. great looking bird. what could of happened? no sign of attack she was in a pen with 7 other chickens. don't think she was egg bound. any...
  9. redstarbill

    black duck

    I think I have an american black duck, she's 4 months old. the problem is my 1 1/2 year old pekin male is constantly on her! she is so sweet I don't think this is normal for her since she's more a wild duck. anyone else experience this? anything I can do besides keeping them apart? she doesn't...
  10. redstarbill

    adding 2 new ducks

    I have 2 pekins about a year old, male and female. I will be getting 2 more female ducks 1 pekin and 1 mallard. both are younger, will they get along any special considerations?
  11. redstarbill

    home remedies

    I just started feeding the yogurt with a handful of oats in it a couple days ago. they sure do like it, also started putting tbsp of ACV in there water heard that was good also.
  12. redstarbill

    home remedies

    anyone have a remidy for feather regrowth. my girls have bare bottoms from picking out of bordem anything I can do to help them grow back?
  13. redstarbill

    Featherless rump

    I'm having the same problem with a couple of my redstars. they are about a year old raised them from chicks, over the winter I noticed there rumps getting bare and pink. looked for lice/mites none found, gave them cat food for higher protien didn't help cleaned there coop and dust with DE and...
  14. redstarbill

    lame duck

    My pekin duck has a lame leg. not sure if it is sprained or broken, can't put any weight on it. what should I do?
  15. redstarbill

    Egg Price

    I get $3 a dozen no problem. people love the taste of a farm fresh egg! Delaware.
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