Recent content by sector1

  1. sector1

    Swollen Chin flaps with pic?

    Thank you. This week they have black chicks for sale, so I thought thta if I had half white and half black chicks, that it wou;d be like V s V in the mad comic boks. Well it'll make me smile so I going for it....
  2. sector1


    Shreveport here Home of fort "Humbug" the fort with logs painted as cannons during the civil war.
  3. sector1

    Swollen Chin flaps with pic?

    I have had them on antibiotics for a week and the swelling is gone and all seems good. Still dont know for sure what it was. THank you everyone, I dont know if I would have any chickens at all if not for you guys.
  4. sector1

    Swollen Chin flaps with pic?

    Thanks for the replies, I have all of them on antibiotics. Day 3 shows no notice in reduction of swelling. No spreading to the others yet either.
  5. sector1

    Swollen Chin flaps with pic?

    She has had this condition for several days I thought it was just a mood thing. She eats and drinks fine, no strange poo going on. Any ideas on what this is or if I should ignore it? Or do they have to be milked? Thanks. P.S. if anyone remembers a few weeks ago I had a dog attack, one killed...
  6. sector1

    Dog attack

    Thanks for the info, Ill check on getting stuff in the A.M. I think the neighbor felt worse than I did, Glad he was so NIce about it. Whatever I wanted or how much it cost, even when so far to offer to have the Jack Russle put down. Well dogs will be dogs, He said it will never happen again. And...
  7. sector1

    Dog attack

    oh and I have a red heat lamp on so her bare hiney wont get too awful cold in the night time. its not below 32f, but cold enough to give her blue butt.
  8. sector1

    Dog attack

    Thanks. Yes feather stumps I dont think they hurt the vent but poop is kinda dribbling down , will check tomorrow or next and maybe soak her in warm water. Just wanting her to not go trough anymore trama than needed. I guess I can get bluecote in the farm supply places? I had two double sized...
  9. sector1

    Dog attack

    Hi. I had one killed and one that had all her feathers ripped out from mid-back to the whole vent area. I think she will be ok if infection doesnt get her. I was wondering if the feather stumps will be able to come out on their own. She is eating and drinking good . Had to isolate her from...
  10. sector1

    ...Lost a bird today---I am sad--I want to know who dun it!!

    I don't really want to hurt the hawk, plus was thinking in was unlawful as well. But dang it, they have no regard for my chickens.
  11. sector1

    ...Lost a bird today---I am sad--I want to know who dun it!!

    I have had 10 leghorns since spring its my first time to raise chicks. I found one outside the pen two weeks or so ago. Nothing but a breastbone and feet. ( Sorry for the graphical nature). I thought it was a neighbors dog that got her. Three days ago the chicks weren't outside the coop, as I...
  12. sector1

    BYC Mentioned In

    I was adopted by 10 leghorn chicks this spring. I hoped that they would be fun to live with, they made me build a house and prepare all their meals, build fences and so forth. I would have never dreamed that they could be so fun or that I would get so attached to them. I learned everything I...
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