BYC Mentioned In

I was adopted by 10 leghorn chicks this spring. I hoped that they would be fun to live with, they made me build a house and prepare all their meals, build fences and so forth. I would have never dreamed that they could be so fun or that I would get so attached to them. I learned everything I could about them from this site and all you helpful folks. Everything was great till a few weeks ago, the one in the picture liked to sit on a chainlink gate. Sadly her foot got caught in the loop of wire on the fence and broke both her legs. Never saw that danger coming. So I cut a length of garden hose and split it open to fit over all the loops on top of the chainlinks. I think that will save me from losing any again. I also learned that the neighbors dog didnt get the next one 2 days later, because yesterday I went to check on them and a large brown hawk flew out of their home with one in beak. I yell and chased it into the woods as if it was someone stealing my car.I read about the danger of hawks, but never thought they would come into my yard in the city and get them. BEWARE OF THE DANGER! They are everywhere. Now 7 girls left, and now they look up for the monster in the sky. Wish I could have saved them from learning that. Now to figure out how to avoid that and still let them into the yard. They were pretty much free to roam all year till fall came.

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