Recent content by thedollysmama

  1. thedollysmama

    Cross Continental Friends!!!

    Oh, phooey! We're keeping it!!
  2. thedollysmama

    Cross Continental Friends!!!

    My daughter's high school graduation was last night in the rain and a thunderstorm. Thrilling, really, a double rainbow, amazing sunset, and nonstop rain. I decided it was a bunch of good omens because we needed the rain! Unforgettable!!
  3. thedollysmama

    Cross Continental Friends!!!

    I use google translate if I need to but usually I can decipher Bill cause I tookFrench and can read a little Spanish, too.
  4. thedollysmama

    Cross Continental Friends!!!

    Aaaargh!! I told my mom and dad that I was totally available to them after my daughter graduated from high school, which she will do this Friday, and my mom went and FELL DOWN! Not that she planned to but we had a deal! Now I'm at my mom and dad's house yanking out throw rugs and scrubbing...
  5. thedollysmama

    Cross Continental Friends!!!

    I've been stuck in purgatory shopping with La Niña Linda at the mall in town. Not my town, there's a Walmart and a thrift store. I was ready to go home hours ago. Ugh.
  6. thedollysmama

    Cross Continental Friends!!!

    So, so quiet!
  7. thedollysmama

    Growing fodder for chickens

    My confusion, I thought you meant using a gutter as your container for sprouting as opposed to modified bookshelves or dish pans or whatnot. A gutter to transport water should do fine.
  8. thedollysmama

    Growing fodder for chickens

    Oh, and I've had zero luck with a gutter in my part of california. Needed too much water, didn't have the time, etc. just my experience.
  9. thedollysmama

    Growing fodder for chickens

    My rinse water goes on my trees that would need to be watered anyway. I don't have an extravagant system by any means, 7 dish pans, so I'm not using much water with twice daily dampening. I had to tweak my system to be practical and it does seem to be working nicely after a bit of trial and...
  10. thedollysmama

    Oh Craigslist, You Amuse Me So!

    I hope those bridesmaids are weight lifters. Can you imagine holding an unfamiliar dog for the duration of a wedding ceremony?
  11. thedollysmama

    Cross Continental Friends!!!

    All: Somehow time has sped past in a hellfire hurry! My parents have become officially old with the appropriate old people issues. My daughter will be 18 in March, graduating high school in June, and off to college in the fall. I'm trying to simplify my life, fewer critters, but I love...
  12. thedollysmama

    Cross Continental Friends!!!

    Bill: disegno di legge: è tutto buona. il mio medico è un idiota. si presuppone che perché io sono grasso io non ho una buona salute. io sono anemico, ma ho davanti a sé con le pillole di ferro. non morire tanto presto! Which is a good thing!! What a week! Glad for my two days off. My baby...
  13. thedollysmama

    Cross Continental Friends!!!

    Today will be a mere 40 celcius, more or less. The tomatoes are loving it, me, not so much love. Must run, have to feed hungry mouths and go to work :/! This is my garden from under my persimmon tree: Karen
  14. thedollysmama

    Cross Continental Friends!!!

    Lo (mi?) amo gattini! mia figlia ha un amico che possiede un gatto che continua a dover esotici, bellissimi gattini. non ho bisogno di più gatti, ma è difficile dire di no! Mi chiedo commercianti di semi che ci dicono che non hanno veri e propri semi italiani ... o pomodori russo ... o semi...
  15. thedollysmama

    Cross Continental Friends!!!

    Hi, all! Been busy, busy and folded with chicks! We are so horribly busy at work, too. I run home in the evenings and feed hungry mouths and water the garden and collapse in bed. Sorry for being quiet for so long, I am apparently a bit ill and have been terribly tired but we are working that...
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